Title: Beast Quest - NIXA The Death Bringer
Author: Adam Blade
This week I started to read a book"Beast Quest - NIXA The Death Bringer".In first thirty five pages that I have read , I can tell that the book will be interesting,exciting and amazing. It is about one boy named Tom
and his adventures and fights against scary creatures. He choose to be a soldier in king Hugo's army after he saved his kingdom from Sting the scorpion man. His best friend is Elena, is a archery trainer.
His father Taladon, is one of the braviest man in the kingdom and came back from after many,many years. He is soldier to and defeated five of the six ghost beasts. Tom saw him last time when he was a baby. When he tried to touch him and to wrap his hands around him they past right through him
I would recommend this book to my classmates,especially to boys (because it is little bit scary for girls, and not so interesting for them).
1. gloom-total or partial darkness- It was gloomy in the forest.
2. glance- to look quickly or briefly- He glanced at the dark forest.
3. churning- mix or shake- His stomach was churning as a sea.
By Djordje Keserovic
nice work i really liked it