Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hey sixth graders,

I am very sorry about the confusion with my last blog post. I don't want to confuse you anymore, so just so you know, I will be doing my book report book. Which is Firestars Quest by Erin Hunter. I have finished the book (and that's why I did the other book last time). There were two climaxes in my book, and I will talk about both.

For the first one. That is when Firestar and Sandstorm found cats that had Skyclan blood (because they wanted to rebuild the clan when they had been scattered). This was super important because the whole point of the book was to rebuild Skyclan. Some important events that lead up to this included their whole journey to get to the gorge (where the Skyclan cats had lived). Things that occurred during the journey where, getting swept up by the river, meeting strange cats along the way, getting caught in dangerous storms, etc. Another event that lead up to the climax was finding the gorge. Firestar and Sandstorm found the caves where the old Skyclan cats used to sleep and play, and they found the place where they used to hunt and train. It was a very special moment, even for me.

The second one involved a lot of battle. This was because the second climax was when Skyclan fought the rats. The rats had fought the old Skyclan, and some of them had been killed. That is what caused the clan to break up in the first place. Now Firestar and Sandstorm had collected enough cats who wanted to be a part of Skyclan (these are the events leading up to the climax), and they where going to go into battle with the rats once more. None of these cats had actually been a part of the old Skyclan, but they had Skyclan blood. They knew they had to fight the rats or else the rats would take over the gorge once more, and leave the new Skyclan homeless. Read bellow if you want to find out more.

Spoiler:If you want to read the book yourself, don't read this. If you are never going to read the book in your life, then you can read this. So, in the end Firestar killed the Leader of the rats. When he was dead, the other rats did not know what to do and they fled, never to bother Skyclan again. But there where thousands of rats, how did Firestar know which one was leader? Well, he figured out the rats communicated not with squeaks, but with movements. Such as a twitch of an ear or tail. Firestar located where the movements started, so the rat who first twitched his tail, was telling the other rats what to do. Then Firestar lunged and swiftly but him in the neck. When the rat died, why didn't the other rats just keep on attacking? Well, the leader was actually wise, and he could speak cat. so when he died the other rats where really not that smart and just continued on being regular rats. They could not speak cat and they had no brains, so they fled and never went back to the gorge.

I hope this was an interesting blog post! I also hope you read the book!

-Erika Anne Brotzen-
(AKA Firestar)

Instead of a picture, this time I will show you a video about Firestar. I hope you watch it! It's super good! 

1 comment:

  1. I was like... noooo don't read the spoiler - I NEED to read the book lol -
    and then I was like oooooh, I really want to know what -NO DONT-
