Friday, September 14, 2012

The Spiderwick Chronicles-The Field Guide

by Arthur Rackham, 107 pages

In the book the setting is inside aunt Lucinda's house.It is an old house with trees and bushes around it .If the setting was outside or in a different house they wouldn't have a secret library where they met the Brownies. If I have a chance  to live in that house I would not tack the risk to share the house with the Brownies because they are evil. Jared was accused for messing up everything in the house and got blamed for hurting his brother and sister. He wanted to prove that the evil Brownies did it. So he put flour on the floor, to catch the Brownies footprints, and he was going to show them to his mother. In the morning the whole kitchen was upside down and the tadpoles were frozen in the fridge. Jared was in trouble. He had to clean up the mess and take out the garbage. There he realized that he had to fix the boggarts nest. Jared thought that the boggarts was unhappy because of that. In the end they finally met the boggart and Mallory and Simeon believed that Jared was speaking the truth. I liked the book The Spider wick Chronicles. It had magical creatures, and the funny things the boggard did made me laugh.

The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide & the Seeing Stone

1 comment:

  1. Could you please change your display name so I know who has written this post?
