Michael Morpurgo
Pages: 182
There is a horse named Joey. He get bought at 6 months old. His owners son becomes his best friend, but they are separated when the war starts and Joey is taken as a war horse (that's where the tittle comes from). Albert (owners son) tries to get into the army, but he is too young. Joey meets his new rider, he is slightly older than Albert. Soon Joey is moved and starts dragging ambulance carts with his horse friend Topthorn. He meets a little girl who lost her parents and brother and is sick. The two of them become great friends. Soon the hospital is moved, so Joey and Topthorn stay and become farm horses, Joeys biggest dream since he left the farm. Soon Joey once again has to be moved....
I don't like this book because Joey moves around too much. Also I don't like people dying, it doesn't even play with my emotions properly. It doesn't make me sad in a way that a book should, it didn't make me cry. It uses really fancy language at times, mostly when it isn't necessary, and it repeats words over and over again.
It's really sad.. :(