Monday, November 11, 2013

Call it courage information article

Hello People!

The name of the book I am reading right now is called: Call it courage. The author is Armstrong Sperry. I had to pick a book for this new book-project that required award winning novels. This book indeed, has won the American Mulberry award.

The main character in my novel: Call it courage is a boy named Mafutu. One faithful day when he was incredibly young he and his mother were almost drowned by the sea they barely made it to land. They were very weak in fact, and just as the mother had fed her child, she passed away because of her weakness.

Now, Mafutu was scared of the sea, scared of a lot of things. In the new tribe he was raised There were a lot of other people that turned out to be his new, step-family. All this so called "family" had bullied him around for a lot of years because his terror of the sea. He actually made the spears and fishnets for all the men which was considered "women's work". They gossiped about his inabilities of never to become a true fisherman or warrior for the honor of the tribe.

When he hears this, he finds that he must face his fears and stand up to the sea, and proves the tribe he is very worthy...

Mafutu is a tough little man though. He is not so tall with black hair. He has a quiet personality but at times he can break out of control.

His only friends are a dog named Uri and an Albatross.

"He must face Moana, the sea god-face him, and conquer him. He must"
Pg. 11

Cosmo Kuhling

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