Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, describe the life of a
mischievous schoolboy Thomas from a small village St. Petersburg in
Missouri, located on the banks of the Mississippi River. Tom lives with
his Aunt Polly, half-brother Sid and Jim, colored boy who was a part of
his aunt’s household. This boy has always got into trouble: stole the
jam jars, ran away from school for a swim, beat up the other boys. His
aunt felt the obligation to make a good man of him, and sometimes she
would punish him for his mischief, but she had a soft heart and is often
gently laughed. Tom is a very clever boy that is able to convince his
friends that painting a fence is a great honor, and not everybody can do
it. While others painted the fence and they paid him to do it, Tom
rested in the shade. He realized that everyone want what they have been
difficult to reach. I would recommend this to every boy. It describes
all sorts of adventures that each of us would want to experience.
I read the book about Tom Sawyer and I loved It!!!
ReplyDeleteI really like what you have wrote and I Think its one of the best books!! :)