Sunday, February 9, 2014

Conflict in Swallows and Amazons

For this book project, I read the book Swallows and Amazons. I have finished the book, all
Anyway, there are a few conflicts in this book, if not huge dragon in monsters, like most adventures. Swallows and Amazons isn't that much of a dramatic book, but there a few conflicts and problems.

In this book there are four children, going on an adventure to an island in the Lake District. which, they believe is deserted. You might think that this would cause conflict along the line of Man vs. Nature, but since these children are remarkably well prepared, and seem to know a lot about boating, this isn't the problem. They just have a few Man vs Man conflicts with other people who are.... associated (is that the right word) with the island.

First of all there is the problem of the Blackett sisters, also known as the the Amazons. The Swallows (the four children) and the Amazons are two opposing groups, who both believe that Wild Cat island (the island in the Lake District) is their island. They argue over who should have the flagship of the island, so organize a 'war' - the first one to capture the others boat gets the flagship, and it is basically their island. I am not going to tell you who wins this war or how, but this is one of the main conflicts, or adventures in this book.

Then there is the long standing conflict between the Swallows, the Amazons and Captain Flint. Captain Flint is actually the uncle or the Amazon pirates, so they play practical jokes on him. Captain Flint thinks that it was the Swallows, and he keeps on sending messages to them, and telling other people that they had done it. Then, an actual crime is committed, and he blames the Swallows, who are not the real criminals. To prove this, the Swallows actually have to find out who did it.

I love Swallows and Amazons, and I found it really interesting. I really recommend you read it!


  1. WOW that sounds good. I like the way that you described the book with out to many details so that it would still be a surprise for the people that read it. GOOD JOB!! :)

  2. I liked the way you described the book, the book is totally amazing as well
