Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Conflict of Stuck On Earth

Hello everyone,

As you all know I was reading a book obviously called Stuck on Earth by David Klass since I already wrote a couple blogs about this book already but this one in particular is about the main conflict of the book. But I have read 127/227 pages which is okay, but I will have to read more in the future.

The conflict of the book is how Ketchvar III is under a lot of pressure since other aliens need this planet for their own usage, and he has to examine Earth and how humans treat it. At first the decision was really easy, since Everyone treats him horribly (for no apparent reason) so it was very tempting to make a quick judgement and annihilate the human race. But later on in this amazing book, Ketchvar meets a very sympathic human being which is very kind to him. He wonders if he should still make the same decision and that;s about where i am up to in the story!

I think that the conflict will be resolved by Ketchvar III will do what is right and won't annihilate the population of planet Earth, but will spare it. Influenced by the really kind person that he met.

Thank you for reading everyone, and have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! The book sounds really interesting. Good job Cosmo ;)
