Thursday, August 30, 2012

My first 30 pages

My first 30 pages were interesting.Well first of all my book is called "13 Little Blue Envelops".Its about a seventeen year old girl who's name is Ginger.Her aunt sent her a envelope with a little adventure and then one of Ginger's aunt best friend gave a package saying "to Ginger".In that package are 13 blue envelopes you will read further information if you keep on reading.Once you open the book you will notice a little introduction.At the top it says: Inside little blue envelope 1 are $1000 and instructions to buy a plane ticket.In envelope 2 are directions to a specific London flat.Because of envelope 4 Ginny and her artist, a playwright/thief/bloke-about-town called Keith, go to Scotland together, with somewhat disastrous-though utterly romantic-results.Ginny isn't sure she'll see Keith again, and definitely doesn't know what to think about him.Could the answers be in the envelopes?Ginny doesn't know it,but adventures in Rome and Paris are in envelope 6 and 8.The rules are that she has to open one at a time, in order,so perhaps it isn't surprising that she discovers things about her life and love one by one.Everything about Ginny will change this summer, and its all because of 13 little blue envelopes.I hope you liked the little intro of this book   


  1. Sounds cool!!! Can't wait to hear more... may I borrow it from you when you're done reading it??? Mai

    1. Thnx! and yes you may mai ness ;)

  2. Love the sound of it!!!
