Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Anthony Horowits


The resolution in my book is when Yassin kills Sayle and talks to Alex. Alex thinks that Yassin is going to kill him like he killed his uncle Ian. 

"You killed Ian Rider"Alex said. He was my uncle. Yassen shrugged " I kill a lot of people.""one day i will kill you" "a lot of people tried."Yassen smiled ."believe me""it would be better if we didn't meet again. Go back to school.Go back to your life.And next they ask you, say no.Killing is for grow-ups and you're still a child ."


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Hobbit

The Hobbit
 J.R.R Tolken

The book is resolved when Bard kill Smag the dragon when the dragon is destroying a town and he dies. The dwarves get the home back from Smag and they win the battle of 5 armies and Billbo goes home with a vast amount of treasure. Sentence from the book "And that was the end of Smag and Esgaroth, but not of Bard."  J.R.R Tolken page 271. This shows that Bard killed Smag the dragon.

The Emerald atlas

Jhon Stephens, 30 pgs

The theme of the book is these three kids lose there parents. They later on realize that they have to go to an orphanage but not only that the orphanage fakes that there sweet and then they bring the kids to a horrible place all the teachers there were mean and cruel to kids but this wouldn't stop them from finding there parents. "Were never gonna get out of this place"says Michael. See there family has and enchanted atlas and they have to find it. the power of it is at a land ruled by a golden haired countess and her army of soulless Screeches. Now it is there turn to face there fear and go find the atlas before its too late.
(Stephens 21)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Number the Stars #2

Number the Stars
Lois Lowry
137/137 pages

This fantastic novel teaches you lessons about an adventure of freedom with a heart-warming friendship and a bravery. 

10 year old Annemarie is taking a life risking adventure for her dear friend Ellen to be free. She has to deliver the secret envelope to Uncle Henrik who has the Jews including Ellen on his boat to help them be free on Sweden right across the water.  Annemarie doesn't even know what it is in there. She takes the envelope and puts in in a basket full of food. She runs as fast as a wind just like how she has been practicing for school race on each Fridays. She meets two soldiers with two scary sniffing dogs. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Eagle Strike

Book called Eagle Strike is Alex Rider's 4th adventure series written by Anthony Horowitz. It has 256 pages. I didn't finish the book yet i am on about 180 out of 256 pages. about 70  to go! Story took on southern of France, Paris, London, Amsterdam. Alex Rider is main character at Eagle Strike. Story until i read was about Alex saw Yassen who killed his uncle and try to know why he is here and made actions. But Yassen got him. He was trying to kill him in bull fight that is bull fighting. And he also meet Damian Cray is Pop star. The bad thing was Yassen and Cray was trying to kill him. They put Alex in darkroom. 

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif

Rick Riordan

Number of Pages: 375

The Theme of my book is bravery. A few examples from the book showing bravery are; When Percy is on his way to half-blood-hill and he kills a Minotaur to save his best friends life. Another example would be approximately where I am in the book now, when Percy is talking to his uncle, the ruler of the underworld Hades, and trying to convince him to give back Zeus's master bolt.

Sentence: "Return Zeus's master bolt to me," I said. "Please, sir. Let me carry it to Olympus." (Riordan 311)

The war horse
Michal  murporgo (mentioned on page 2)
Pages: 158
 The theme of this book takes place in world war 2 the first reasone is that it clearly states that in the book the second reasone is that in one part of the book Albert goes off to fight In the French trenches. And the third piece of evidence is that in the book a man says "the church bells will ring one final time and will not be rung again until  the war is over.

The Indian in the Cupboard

Author: Lynne Reid Banks
Number of Pages: 215
Direct Sentence: “But what shell I do with the cupboard?”asked Omri desperately. “Leave it empty,” said Patrick. “In case.” He didn’t say in case what. But he didn’t have to. Just to know you could. That was enough.

Resolution in this book starts in the last Chapter 16 when main character Omri decides to bring a wife for Little Bear and make a wedding feast for them. He realizes that he needs to turn the figures back into plastic and return them to their own lives. They have the blood brother ceremony and they put all the figures in the cupboard. Omri and Little Bear become blood brothers. Then, Omri and Patrick put the figures on the shelf and the cupboard is empty. Omri gives the key of the cupboard to his mother.