Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Sweetest Sorrows of Ava Hale

Hello everyone,
Basically what I'm reading is still something I was reading the last week on Wattpad.
"The Sweetest Sorrows of Ava Hale", by Kara Cross. I'm on chapter eleven and it's called 'What If?'. What happens in this chapter is that Ava was desperately trying to talk to her friend, Lia, who refused to answer to to her phone calls. Ava got really upset and ran away. For a second she thought..."I'm nothing and everybody hates me", which is of course not true. She really needed someone to speak to because she felt guilty of her sister's death, even though it wasn't her fault in any way. Lia was her best friend but now after calling her for such a long time (the whole weekend).....she didn't think so anymore. Ava thought Lia ditched her for somebody else, which is again, not true. Because she was really upset, she knocked on her other 'guy friend's' door, Rafe. He was actually really surprised to see her. The reason why Ava came to Rafe's house is because she wanted to get more information about her sister, Kesley. How interesting....that's something I would definitely never expect to happen. Well, it does kinda make sense since Rafe and Kesley were really good friends back in time...until Kesley was murdered. After Rafe told Ava everything he could remember about Kesley's and his times together, Ava kissed him. I definitely didn't expect that to happen neither. The chapter ends by two of them trying to figure some things out together and in next chapter, we'll see if Ava and Rafe are going to be a couple. One word I didn't know is 'neglected'. Neglected means to suffer. The way it was used in a sentence is: The strap on a guitar was dusty and worn, looking as though he used it a lot, but had become neglected lately.

Jessie J: Nice to Meet You!

This week I started reading a new biography. It is about Jessie J and her journey to success. I really like this book because it reflect upon her life before camera's and fame. She recalls how it was living with her family and doing stuff she now does not do. I am on page 20. I have not come upon any new word that I don't understand. Hopeful in the next few pages I will find a new vocabulary word.

My Life With the Chimpanzees

My Life With the Chimpanzees

By: Jane Goodall

This week I have been reading My Life With the Chimpanzees, by Jane Goodall. I have read 136 of the novel. I chose to write about this book because it is interesting and I am reading it along with my class. An unknown word I have discovered in the novel My Life With the Chimpanzees,  is insecticide. I have found the word insecticide, on the page 114. The definition of the word insecticide is a substance used for killing insects.

Gangsta Granny

I am reading the book called Gangsta Granny written by David Williams, and I am on page #170 out of 297
This book is about a boy called Ben, and his grandma. Every Friday Ben's parents drop him of at his grandmas, because every Friday they watch "Dancing with the Stars" life. Ben hates his grandma because she is remarkably boring and she smells like cabbage. Everything she makes is made out of cabbage, even her chocolate surprise meal is called "chocolate surprise" because the surprise is actually that the meal is made out of 100% cabbage. One Friday evening when Ben was eating *Cabbage* his granny went to the bathroom and he through his cabbage through the window and took the cookie jar *his granny gives him one cookie for his birthday each year* occasionally he takes the cookies him self. This time the cookie jar was remarkably heavy and when Ben opened it he saw diamonds, gold necklaces and diamond tiaras. He was surprised and confused and he was determined to find out why? Why did his grandma have diamonds in her house, diamonds that are worth millions!!!! After some time he found out that his grandma is a criminal, who steels diamonds! Ben's Granny told him many stories how she stool diamonds, from the Russian queen and she first stool a diamond ring when she was twelve. Then Ben and his Granny started making a plan to steel  diamonds from THE ENGLISH QUEEN!

I chose to read this book because, the title and blurb was very interesting and it seemed like an awesome book! A word that I found  that was unfamiliar is startled, which means cause to feel sudden shock or alarm. 


De Zevensprong - Tonke Dragt

So this week, I've been reading a strange book, in Dutch though. De Zevensprong. Literally I can only translate this into a round-a-bout containing seven roads. It is about a teacher that confuses himself with the mysterious round-a-bout's name, when seeming to have only six roads! After, he joins a conspiracy, which is about saving a young boy, Geert-Jan, from the claws of his uncle. Long ago, in an interesting story, it was said that a treasure was buried, which is an even bigger secret. Together, (yes, they are associated) they form the conspiracy of a lifetime, and the teacher, was suddenly chosen to be the governor of Geert-Jan. Not only to teach him, but to help him escape as well, (with the treasure of course).

I chose it, (not really) last time my mom visited The Netherlands and picked up a book for me, to improve my current Dutch reading. She thought it would be an amazing opportunity for me. And I do not think there were any negative effects from that.


I didn't know a complicated word: Pedagogisch, (Pedagogical) Pg. 118
It means a kind of education to children, teaching them.
I read the entire book in one night, (491 Pages)
And the book was written and illustrated by: Tonke Dragt. (Like the best Dutch writer ever!)

CK, Cosmo xD


AUTHOR: Jane Goodall
Number of Pages: 135/156 pages

Hello dear readers, as all of you this time know, the whole 6th grade is reading my book! Well, I will give my perspective towards this book, which is not so good. I personally give this book a 6/10 due to its theme, and its point of view. Why assault this book immediately you are asking? Well, first of all, I think that the theme itself is not very exciting. Jane Goodall works in the forests of Tanzania for a "mere" 20+ years, only at that moment. The theme of the book could be exciting if she were to spend a little bit less time in the jungle, but I personally think that at one point, the book looses its charm. Same like Robinson Cruso, who spends 14 years on a deserted island somewhere, these types of books loose there excitement. On the other hand, there was one small sentence that completely changed my view towards this story.

I will ask you reader, do you find humans more important than animals? Well I personally do, because I am a human, after all. In Jane Goodall's writings, something that is done for the well-being of man kind, turns out to be a very bad thing. As she mentions, she finds testing new vaccines on animals a very cruel thing to do! Well, I cannot say it is not, but here is a fact that supports my statement: In 2012 around 660,000 thousand people died from a preventable form of Malaria! And she is stating that she does not care! 660,000 people is the population of a large city! So, Chimps, which there are "only" 250,000 is more important than these 660,000 people. After this, we ask ourselves a little bit about Jane Goodall. But please, do not mistake me. Jane is an intellectual, because she is after all an ambassador of the United Nations. But we do think about her as a person. In what environment was she raised in? Does she value human attributes such as Honesty, Forgiveness or others.

I will not only criticize the book, because there are some interesting things in all books, including this one. The book is emotional, and at certain points, a very interesting one. My favourite part, is when she talks about her early life. She appears to be very curious as a child and a very intelligent person.

My mystery word is Anthropologist: The study of human races, origins, societies and cultures.
Thank you for reading my post!  

My life with Chimpanzees

The title of the book is My life with Cimapnzees. THese book is written by Jane Goodall. I read 135 pages out of 156 pages. I didn't choose this reading because my whole class is reading the book. One of the words that did not know was Anthropologist. An anthropologist someone who deals with origins, physical and culutural development.


Written by R.J. Palacio
142/315 # of pages
Review by Shelly Ness

Hey guys!
As some of you know I am reading a really awesome book called wonder.  So August the main character which has some issues with his face was narrating the story. I really love Auggie (August's nickname). I love him. It's just I feel really bad for him,, and he goes through hard issues (which I can connect to) and people don't like him and they were bribed to be his friend. I would be his friend though. I don't care what his face looks like but he is so fun and amazing and his family treats him like a baby because they care so much and I just can't. 

I chose this reading at the February break. I found out about this book because Ashley told me it is a good book so at a bookstore at the airport in London, I got really bored so I got that book and it was really interesting! So i am doing a blog post about it!

Talking about friends and family, Via, his sister was narrating the story and she talked about how she sees august and protects him and loves him. He has been home schooled for all his life and suddenly his parents and him decided to send him to school. He was doing pretty well until Halloween. His best friend told a group of boys that he doesn't like August and that August just wouldn't leave him alone! August was there, and he was in a costume so they didn't know it was him. August felt bad, he threw up and went home. Halloween was his favorite holiday and he didn't want to enjoy it. Via loved and cared for him and she knew something was up so she went to check and he just said he has problems. In the end she persuaded him to go to the parade with her and have fun.

Then Summer, the girl who sat with him for lunch at the first day of school because she felt sad for him narrated the book. Summer was really pretty and nice and was asked why she is hanging out with the "freak"! she said because he was nice and awesome and fun, unlike them who don't want to play any games because now they are in middle school.Summer and August were planning to go to the Halloween parade together as a unicorn and Boba Fett which is a character from star wars. August wanted that costume but his mom didn't find it in his size so she bought another costume and worked hard to make it like Boba Fett, and in the end August didn't wear it to school. This made me so sad, like, i was crying.

That night they both kind of broke their promises or changed plans because August felt bad, but went with his sister anyway. But Summer. She was invited to this girl's Halloween party, and was told to come without a costume. This girl is called Savanna and she is the most popular girl in school. Summer came to the party and she saw that there was all couples. She had no couple. Then Savanna asked her were her boyfriend was, and she was referring to August. Summer said that they aren't boyfriend and girlfriend and then Savanna was trying to set her up with this cute boy who likes her, and Savanna and her boyfriend told her that everyone likes her and thinks she is pretty and nice so Summer said okay and Savanna was just about to get Julian, the boy. Julian is really mean to August, by the way. But then she said she needs to go to the toilet. She went, called her mom to pick her up, and without any questions her mom came. She hid in the toilet and then sneaked out. The next day Savanna asked her what happened, and she said that she felt sick and Savanna believed her and she told Savanna she didn't like Julian, and she liked someone else so that Julian would leave her alone. Then at the parade no unicorn was seen.

 Jack Will started narrating the story, and August was ignoring him because he was the best friend whose aid mean things. That is how much i read. An unknown word was Flabbergasted, page 116. It means to surprise (someone) greatly; astonish. A sentence (from the book) was "Double-Stunned. Stung. Flabbergasted. No words formed in my mouth." this was said by Via when August told her that Miranda, her friend missed her and loved August and always will as a brother.


QOTD: fiction or non-fiction?

lol this is for instagram and tumblr and we heart it people so yeh.... answer in the comment if you feel like it? Thanks!

Hope you like my post!

My life with the chimpanzees

Jane Goodall
I have been reading a book called My life with the chimpanzees sometimes by myself but we do it more of a class thing. This is one of the books we are reading in class. I did not choose the book our teacher did. But i am glad she did. I like the book. Its very interesting.  I have read a book that had to
o with her and the chimpanzees. It was awesome.  There was this one word that i absolutely did not know: Insecticide, its a substance used to kill insects. Makes sense. :)

My Life With Chimpanzees

I am about to finish this the most fascinating book entitled My Life With Chimpanzees written by the amazing Jane Goodall.  I have read 135 pages out of the 155 in the book.  I have read 10 chapters out of the 11.  I did not chose to read this book because it is a book we are reading in class but I would have read it anyway.   One word I did not know was Bush-meat.  The definition of Bush-meat is the meat of African wild animals.

No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

Hi everybody! I am reading a book called the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, actually I just finished the book! This book is about a woman named Mma (Ms.) Ramotswe, her full name is Precious Ramotswe. She was born in Botswana, in a small village known as Mochudi. Her Father died and he had lots of cattle, which Mma Ramotswe sold, and she got a lot of money for them. Enough to start a business, which was what her father wanted her to do. She bought a building and hired a secretary, she bought some furniture and renovated the house a bit (it was old and unwanted by the previous owners). The business she decided to start was a detective agency, which she thought might not be the most successful business but she enjoyed the job. She had a lot of customers with various cases I will explain to you the two most serious ones:

#1 Mma Ramotswe is good friends with a man named Mr. JLB Matekoni, he owns a car repair shop and is very successful in this business. He is asked to fix a car that was crashed, the owner was a very rich man and well known businessman, and while he is taking out all the belongings so that they won't be lost when he cleans and fixes the car; he comes upon a little sack with bones in it. This is from a witch doctor, someone who works with medicine made from humans and kills or hurts these humans himself/herself. Mma Ramotswe wasn't asked to take on the case, she was actually asked to stay out of it so that no one would get in trouble with the well known businessman, but there was a recent disappearance of a young boy who was scouting around for rocks and he was driven away. Mma Ramotswe has a horrible sinking suspicion that these bones were the boy's bones. She wants to have this doctor arrested and avenge the boy and his parents. She sets up a meeting with this businessman and acts like she wants to know this witch doctor so she could use his services. He gives her the address and she visits the place but the witch doctor's not there, only his wife. Mma Ramotswe tricks her into telling her where the boy's body is, but the woman says that he is alive and working for them at the cattle post. He never left because there are cruel people watching him and they would catch him and torture him if he ran away. Mma Ramostwe drives out to the post and takes the boy who his many cuts and scars from being whipped, she takes him home and gets the witch doctor and his wife arrested.

#2 This case is about a doctor in a hospital. Another good friend is a doctor there and helped her father when he was sick and in old age; so she does his case for free. He has hired a new doctor and he sometimes is very smart and good at his job then other times he is horrible and clueless. Her friend is worried that he is taking or handling drugs in some way, so Mma Ramotswe follows hims and he goes across the border to South Africa. She follows him to his house and she sees that there are to of him. She later finds out that one of them is a renowned doctor and has earned his degree, the other is just hopeless in medicine. That is why there are different amounts of knowledge, the one who was clueless didn't have a job so they have a fraud where one of them works at one hospital then one works at the other. They were fired. :)

A word I didn't know was Mma (pronounced 'ma'), which is possibly an abbreviation for Madam, or it just means Ms. Another one would be Rra (pronouced 'rar') , which is Mr.

A sentence in which Mma was used is "Mma Ramotswe had a detective agency in Africa, at the foot of Kgale hill." (the first sentence of the book, actually)

I chose this book because my godmother had sent it to me for Christmas and I really enjoyed the first chapter and it interested my a lot, so why not read something that you enjoy!


Dumb Fan-Fiction Moments

Hello Everyone!

So, yet again I have been reading on but this time instead of something sad, depressing, and happy, I read something really funny. The title is Dumb Fan-Fiction Moments, the author on wattpad is Theoreoninja. I choose this because I was at a restaurant and I was really bored and they had Wi-Fi so I wanted something funny to read so I just read that.

My favorite chapter was "Hopping and Deodorant" I laughed my head off. And I still can't stop laughing! Do me a favor and go read it. Here is the link.

Unknown Word( or phrase) -  Hipster Bunny
Sentence it was in- "I hopped into the shower, then quickly hopped out because I am a hipster bunny and walking out of a shower like a normal person is too mainstream for me."
Definition- A crazy bunny and also a Bunny that wears glasses like in this picture

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The House of Hades

Hello all, I stopped reading 'Great Expectations' (sorry... just that I have been waiting for like a month for reading 'The House of Hades') and started on the 'House of Hades' by Rick Riordan. I read 276 pages out of 583.

(Picture source:

      This book is a fantasy book based on Greek Mythology (as you can (maybe) see from the title), so it has all of the Greek gods, monsters, creatures, etc. But its setting is in modern times, so it is like the 2010 or more in the book. 
      I will explain the plot of the book. Percy Jackson and Annabeth, two of the 9 (ish) main characters in the book, who are also demigods (half-human, half-god; one of their parents is a god or a goddess), fall into Tartarus, a pit where all the monsters and the Titans go or stay in to reform after they are killed in the mortal world. So it isn't part of the mortal world, and it is sort of like hell (as it is described in the book). They have to survive and try to reach the Doors of Death, the doors which connect the mortal world and Tartarus so the reformed monsters can go out again. The doors have been opened by Gaia, the goddess of Earth, or earth itself (a.k.a. the evil Mother Earth that tries to destroy the world), which is bad, because the monsters would be traveling freely in and out of the two worlds. Percy and Annabeth and their friends outside Tartarus have to close it from both inside and outside, since the doors can be closed that way. But while Percy and Annabeth are traveling to it, they face a lot of problems, since everything there are designed to torture or kill, plus filled with monsters. Once, when they are about to die from the attack of the empousai (vampire-demon creatures), they meet Bob, who is actually the Titan Iapetus who got his memory wiped out by Percy before, and who believes that Percy is a friend. He helps Percy and Annabeth through Tartarus. 
      I chose to read this book because I am obsessed in Greek Myths, and because I am also a Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus fan. I read every other book in both series except for this one, so I chose and wanted to read this book. 
      An unknown word was: haggard. 
      Definition: Looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue, worry, or suffering (source: ) 
      The sentence it was in was this: "Bob's face looked haggard and careworn, as if he suddenly felt the weight of all his centuries. 

Samo da smo zajedno, Just as long as we're together

HI Guys, 
I am reading this book in Serbian, It is called Samo da smo zajedno by Judy Blume. I have read all 222/222 pages of it.   The book is actually originally in English but I have a Serbian copy. 
Here is a picture of my Serbian version:                                 Here is the English version: 
I started reading this book on Wednesday and I finished it this morning and I have started reading another book. :)                                                 This book and it is about two girls that are best friends then one of the girls called Stefanie she met a girl called Alison on the beach and they became friends so when they got to know each other a bit better Stefanie introduced Alison to her best friend Rachel. Alison was a new girl and she was going to go to 7th grade in the same school as them in Stefanie's class. The book is basically about boys, and about their friendship and Stefanie's parents have broken up and she did not know till half way in the book and then close to the end of the book she gets in a fight with Rachel but in the last page in the book they are friends again. 
I got this book as a present from my great aunt, I got it because my cousins have been lending me other books similar to this so my great aunt thought that I might enjoy it, and I did. 
The word that I did not know was in Serbian so in English I know what it means. 
In Serbian  it is usklaÄ‘uju in English it means adjusted. 
Adjusted means: 
past tense: adjusted; past participle: adjusted
  1. 1.
    alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.
    "he smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie"
So, yeah that is it. Hope you liked my post!!


Enhanced by Zemanta

Carrie ♥

I used the movie poster for the picture....
Hi everyone!
This week I was reading an awesome book which was lent to me by Omayma.
I was actually inspired to read it by her blog post last week, so at least there is a good purpose for these blog posts!
There was also the fact that I have wanted to read it for ages, and I have a slight obsession with horror. I have read The Shining, watched The Shining, The Conjuring and Poltergeist....  I want to watch The Purge... and read Doctor Sleep... and I REALLY want to watch/read The Exorcist and Carrie (I'm halfway through this mission).
Anyway, the book that I was reading this week was Carrie! It is a very famous book by Stephen King that has been made into two films, one in 1976 and 2013. I had found out about the book through watching trailers for the 2013 version earlier this year, under the influence of my great friend Shelly.
Well anyway, I think it looks like a pretty terrifying book, both by the cover and the film poster which I have lovingly plopped over there ->
Back to the book. I started reading it on Monday I am currently on page... well, as of this Saturday morning it is page 154/242, so I am about halfway through. I have had a lot of time to read it this week, but I was also reading about ten other books, so I am only only page 154.
There were quite a few words which I didn't understand, but most of them happened to be coming from Carrie's overly religious mother, and so were biblical terms, so I didn't include them. I still looked them up, so I gained a good general understand of the terms.
One of words I didn't understand was the word atonement, which I found on page 97.


satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends.

'This was just some strange type of atonement, and she could understand that and respond to it'

I think this means that she thought he was sorry for something that had happened to her, and wanted to make up for it. If you are sorry for something, you may want to atone your crimes.

Thats it for these week!
Goodbye and auf wiedersehen!

Friday, April 4, 2014

My life with the Chimpanzees by Jane Goodall

 The book I'm reading this week, as you probably all know, is My life with the Chimpanzees. As you know, it's about a woman who lived and studied with chimpanzees for a very long time. (40 years to be exact.) It tells of her life with the chimpanzees, her experiences, and how she finds it fascinating that chimpanzees are so incredibly related to humans. They even have similar emotions and they can get the same diseases that we can.

I'm on Chapter 11, page 136 at the moment, which is the last chapter. Of course, I chose this book as we are reading it at school for English. A word that I found slightly odd was in a few chapters back. That word is 'gorse.' Gorse apparently means a shrub related to the pea family which sounds very odd and is apparently found in Europe and North Africa which is where Jane is when the plant is mentioned.

I find this book very interesting as I love the way chimpanzees are so like humans. Jane Goodall mentions how chimpanzees are used for testing products as they are so similar to humans. I think this is so unfair as when they are tested they are kept in cages, on their own with hardly any food. Jane Goodall is really inspiring and teaches people how animals should really be treated.

BTW, sorry about there being two pictures, my laptop was glitching and I can't do anything about it...