Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Slave Dancer-Most Interesting Part

The most interesting part of the book is in the chapter when Jessie gets kidnapped. In that chapter, the author describes how Jessie was playing his fife when a man gave him some money, so Jessie decides to run home in order to show his mother what he had received. He chooses to take the shortcut, and instead, he meets the man who gave him the money. "Don't you  remember a man who gave you money? I'm about to do even more for you. I'm going to take you on a fine sea voyage." And that is where the real story begins. I think that everyone should try reading this book, even if they hate slavery, horror, and sad books, everyone should give it a try. Before, I didn't know much about slavery except that it is prejudging people because of their skin color and, that it is bad. But after reading this book, I learned many more things about slavery. This book has some very sickening parts, one which made me feel like disgorging. So the only thing I would say to a person who is planning to read The Slave Dancer is: It is not a very happy book, more sad than happy.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holes by:Louis Sacher
 book finished
To who would i recommend this book to:
I would recommend this book to anyone who anyone who likes a book that gets good and gets straight to the point immediately and one that doesn't dawdle in a slow begging cause that is what makes some books uninteresting.

The Ramayana

Author: Priority Publications
Pages: I read 30 and there are 228 in all.

I am reading an old Epic called The Ramayana. One of the most interesting part is when Ravana kidnaps Sita. I would recommend it to readers those who like easy to read text books. The Ramayana might have some Hindi/ Sanskrit words but they're are not so hard to understand because there are pictures in the book most of the time when those kind of words come.

When Rama cuts the ears and nose off of Surpanakha, Surpanakha went to her brothers and told them that. The brothers sent a small army to kill Rama, but they failed to do so.  Then the brothers went themselves with an army and they failed too. Rama killed all the demons but only Akampana survived who went to Ravana for help. Ravana is the king of deamons. To seek revenge, Ravana tricked Rama and Laksmana to get away from Sita and then kidnapped her. When Rama and Laksmana came back they could not find Sita and started looking for her. On their way to find Sita they found Jatayu a very big bird dying, Jatayu had tried to stop Ravana but failed since Ravana slashed Jatayu's wing. As Rama and his brother went through another town they got food and directions to reach the Monkey Chief. Finally they reach the village of monkeys where they met Hanuman, who led them to The chief of Monkeys. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid- The Ugly Truth

Author: Jeff Kinney
Pages: 217

This week I read the whole book. It was very interesting. This is a story of a boy in middle school, and it is a part of a series. In this book the main character, Greg, encounters new experiences. This isn't like some adventure novel, it is just the everyday life of a middle school boy. I recommend this to boys between the ages of 11-14 but also girls, because this basically describes our life, so we can relate to it. The most interesting part was probably when Greg had to get headgear, because it was very funny and I could relate to it very well.

my book

Sherlock Holmes and the red leech
Author: Andrew Lane
No.pages:  340

the most inter esting part of my book was when sherlock haolmes shoots the revolver at the red leech on the mans face and the man screams in pain and shock while sherlock just stands there watching.
i would reccomend this book to Celine because she likes mystery book and adventures.

What Am I Reading Now?

What am I reading now?

Now I am reading a book on serbian. I go to classes of drama out of school and over there we read each week. Its not just simple drama, its pretty hard. We work a lot, read, write summaries, practice, research a lot , and then finally act. In my drama group I have many friends, we talk , have lots of fun, learn together, and help each other.  I can say that these drama classes helped me a lot, especially that I go to a school that is on english. So, on drama we read serbian books each week. The book I am reading this week is * Srecna Zvezda.. * Which on english means happy star. It is written by Cathy Cassidy. It is a pretty fun book and I enjoy reading it.... I would recommend this book to everyone even though Im close to finishing it. 


Suzanne Collins
390 pages

I am reading Mockingjay, it is the last book of the hunger games trilogy. the most interesting part of the story is when Katniss got here schedule that she had to have for district thirteen when it finally is coming back now. so they are really strict and make you learn a lot of stuff. I recommend this book to people how like adventures stories, and serious at sometimes. I hope you read it!
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Brian Selznick
Pages: 533

The new book I am reading is called The Invention of Hugo Cabret. I am on the second chapter right now. The first chapter was about how Hugo stole a lot of toys from this toy shop to make an invention. When he was about to steal a toy, the shop keeper caught him, and asked him to empty out his pockets. In one pocket was his journal, with all the things he needed to finish this mysterious machine. When the shop keeper took it, he looked at one page for the longest time, with fear in his eyes. Hugo ran away, without the notebook and he sure was sad. I would recommend this book to anybody who loves pictures. This book is full of them, that's why it is so long too. The pictures explain the story but there is also a lot of writing too. So far, this book is really good and it is full of adventure. 

Bridge to Terbithia

Comment: I am really enjoying this book because it is a mystery. And I LOVE TO READ MYSTERIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Bridge To...The author of this book is Katherine Paterson it also has 128 pages and it is called Bridge to Terbithia. I am reading Bridge to Terbithia. For me the most interesting part was when Leslie was gone because Jess liked her and he tried to find her ( Romeo and Juliet). He couldn't find her so he heard a scream from the woods they always used to hang out at that was actually May Belle.  I  recommend this book to people who like mystery books.

Where Things Come Back

Author: John Corey Whaley
Number of Pages: 256
This week in my award winning it was really hard to decide my favorite part out of the thirty pages I read. But if I had to decide my favorite part, it would be when Gabriel Witter returned to Lilly where his family and brother live. I would recommended this book to all kids from ages 10-14, because it’s a fantastic and interesting novel but at the same time wouldn’t be appropriate for kids under 10.      

How to Break a dragons heart

Pages: 311

Author: Cressida Cowell

What is interesting: The fact that Alvin did not die in the volcano

Why is it interesting: It is interesting because he was swallowed by a dragon and then the dragon flue into a colcano.

Summary: Hiccup and Fishlegs are capture on the island of Bersek and are going to be fed to a beast as sacrifice. Can Hicupp come up with a plan to save all of the people stranded before it is to late.

Blurb(From Book)\
Can Hiccup complete the Impossible task, Battel the Berserks, save fishleg from being fed to the Beast AND discover the secret of the Lost Throne? What's a hero to do????

"The last time Hiccup met him he thought he really HAD got ridd of him, for in front of Hiccup's eyes Alvin had been swallowed by a fire dragon that then dived down into a volcno." pg 143

Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult

Title: Handle with Care

Author: Jodi Picoult

Number of Pages: 473

Willow is not an average child, she is extraordinarily intelligent (she has memorized countless facts and reads at sixth grade level), and has had 52 breaks in her five years of life. Her condition came as no surprise to her parents, they had known she had osteogenesis imperfecto (OI) since the 27th week of pregnancy; the seven fractures on the ultrasound confirmed their worst fears. For Charlotte, Willow's mother, caring for Willow has become a full time occupation which entails constant trips to the emergency room and raging arguments with health insurance companies. On a family vacation to Disney World, Willow slips on a napkin and breaks her leg. She is rushed to hospital where the doctors, unable to contact Willow's doctor and confirm her parents' claims of OI, contact the police in suspicion of child abuse. Her parents are taken into police custody and her 12-year-old half sister, Amelia, is placed into foster care, leaving Willow alone and injured, undergoing testing.  

The Cay

The Cay

By: Katarina Markovic                                                                                                  December.2.2012

Title: The Cay, Author: Theodor Taylor, Pages: 137
This week I read the book "The Cay". The most interesting part was when Timothy made the shelter and brought the three lobsters to Phillip. I would recommend this book to everyone from eight to thirteen because it soots people from those ages. 


Crimson Waters Cause Several Sydney Beaches To Close

Crimson Waters Cause Several Sydney Beaches To Close
Written By: Meera Dolasia

Hi, today I have found a really interesting news on "DOGO News." The Bondi Beach in Sydney has turn into  red color! It wasn't because of the animals or food but they say it was an algae called, nocticulla scintillans or, people call it Sea Sparkle but this will not really last a long time and it will disappear. I was wondering why did it turn red? In the article, it says, It is because when some microscopic organisms concentrates in small sections in the oceans. But it's good because humans won't get any algae or anything bad to their body so the beach is opened. But sadly, these organisms will sink in the shallow waters and it can make the oxygen becoming low in the area. It will also harm the animals around. And there is another cool thing about this. At night, when the waves hit each other, the ocean starts glowing! It's really beautiful!

I thought this was really interesting because I really wondered what was the red water and why. I never thought anything like this existed!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Emerald Atlas

   This book is great! i read 30 pages of it and i love it the author is John Stephens
The most interesting part of my book is when the orphanage people come to get Kate, Michel and Emma. Kate was laying in bed when her mom came in she said she might be gone for a long time but your dad is still hear. In the early morning Kate went to cheek what her dad was making for breakfast when she saw two strange people at the door she didn't open it till they said who they were . They said "We are the orphanage people we have come to pick you up" Kate screened for her dad but he didn't come the people said her dad is lost and he called us to take you in kate screamed again nobody came but her brother and sister Emma and Michel they asked "who are these people?" Kate said "they are taking us to the orphanage." But when they came to the orphanage it was nothing like they expected. The kids were fighting, scrubbing Flores, windows and cleaning the beds. They were so scarred it was really old and ugly. Emma said "if any of you want to pick a fight with me then im up for it but im warning you, you wont win."            

Friday, November 30, 2012

Title: Elijah of Buxton

Author: Christopher Paul Curtis


Blog post #7

I am still reading the book "Elijah of Buxton". My favorite part is when Mr.Travis (Elijah's school teacher) goes crazy and almost rips out Cooters (Elijah's best friend) ear for no reason at all. I found this part the most interesting because a normal teacher would never harm his/her students physically. I would recommend this book to anyone in my class. I think it would be enjoyed by many because it has really funny and crazy parts.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
By Rick Riordan
page 375

  The Book that I am reading is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. The most interesting part is when Percy was playing capture the flag and 6 people from the Areas cabin attack Percy. I would recommend this book to 6th grades who really like action books.