Tuesday, September 30, 2014

                                              The princess bride part 3

This book I guess is man vs man and the characters that are involved are the man in black also his real name is Westley. The prince is also involved to find the princess and the princess named Buttercups  ho was robed by the three robbers the giant  the Spaniard and the Turk. The main characters are Westley and Buttercups. Now I found out that Westley was the Dread Pirate Roberts, and that he has been nearly killed every day because of the Dread Pirate Roberts.

                              The princess bride part 2

 I read is that  the man in black climbed up the mountain  by the help of Ingo. He was running out of calmness and he helped him climb up the mountain  with the riameining rope peace so he could deal. the man in black was raight handed but he fought at the start with his left hand than after a wile he said'' You cant se my face right now but i am smilling becouse i am also not left handed'' and then he swiched his hands and fought with his right hand.When the man in black defeated Ingo he moved on to the mountain. Then he moved on to the giant called Turk. The man in black also defeated him and moved on. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Al Capone Does My Shirts Conflict

The story that I read is called "Al Capone Does      
My Shirts" and has 288 pages. The author is Gennifer Chlodenko. (Finished the Book)        
    The story's conflict is two things. It is Man vs society and Man vs family. The story that I have read has no actual big conflict. They usually have small conflicts between friends or family that happen to us everyday. One of the ten conflicts of the story is when Piper and Moose are at school and then Piper started talking about where they live. Their parents had told them not to talk about that even before school started. They had told them not to because they live on Alcatraz and this was supposed to be kept as a secret. Then they both started talking about all the criminals, burglars, kidnappers and so on. For example, they started to talk about Machine gun Kelly, Al Capone and many more. In the end their parents found out and did not like the idea of it.   

The school for good and evil: Conflict

In this story it is very confusing who is good and who is bad. There are two girls. One of them has the typical evil look but her heart is as pure as gold. The other girl has a princess look but she is spoiled and does not care for others. Then there is the school master, he is like a shadow that creeps into the towns every twenty years. And he takes two children, one pure and one evil. Then he takes them to the school for good and evil by force. Also the schools are sort of evil. If you do not qualify to be a hero/sidekick you will become a plant or animal.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Half Brother - conflict Aleksa D

The conflict in Half Brother is man vs self, because Ben is trying to accept that now Zan is his brother and when he accepted it and started liking it he had to accept that Zan is an experiment and has to let him go. He learns that life is not always fair and that sometimes you don't get to share your opinion but have to keep it in and deal with it. First Ben's parents don't ask him if he is okay with Zan becoming his brother and teaching him sign language and they do not think what will happen when Ben has to let him go. As Zan grows in both size and strength, and the experiment becomes more difficult to maintain safely, Project Zan begins to spiral out of control. At this point, Ben finds an ally in Peter, one of the student research assistants working on the project. Like Ben, Peter sees Zan for what he truly is – a living being with real needs and emotions. With Peter, Ben attempts to find a way out of what has become a tragic trap for Zan. Now it unknown what will happen to Zan, but all we know for now he is in danger.

The Fellowship of the Ring-Conflict

The conflict in my story is good vs evil because a fellowship of hobbits, dwarfs, men, and elves are fighting against one enemy. This conflict is about the enemy of the all people taking over the world and trying to make slaves of everyone. So everybody will be on chains and doing things the enemy's way. If this fellowship fails, then that is what will happen. If this fellowship succeeds then it will be a happy life for everybody meaning everything will be peaceful. It is a very scary journey for them but they have to do it. The enemy is searching for them and are not stopping to rest. There are a lot of wars going on while they stay in a nice elf place. What do you think will happen to them? Will they survive all their dangerous journeys or die most likely unpleasantly? Read the book to find out.

Fever 1793 - Conflict

The title of the book I am reading is "Fever 1793." The author of the book is Laurie Halse Anderson and the book has 243 pages.

The conflict in the book is man vs nature. The reason I think this, is because in the story there is a bad fever that kills people, and they are trying to fight it. 14 year old Mattie Cook runs a coffeehouse together with her mother and grandfather. The fever effects them in more than one way. There is a risk for them to become sick, and with many people sick around them, they have fewer guests at their coffeehouse and can not make as much money. There is a doctor at the boarder and if he suspects someone to be sick, this person is not allowed to leave their city. This already happened to Mattie and her grandfather when they tried to flee the city.  

Hunger Games Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire, total of 391 page.

I'm on the 311th page.

In the book Catching Fire it is important to see that the entire country of Panem lives in dishonesty. Only the Capitol, actually the ruling group that lives in the city of Capitol knows the truth. They are hiding the conflict from the people that live in districts. The conflict is about how the Capitol rules over everything, the people, how they live, even will they live etc. More and more people in districts realize the truth. They find out the Capitol is the boss but not that much about how they rule. The Catpitol made Hunger Games to remind people in the districts of the power of the Capitol. They put people them into the Hunger games to fight to the death to survive. The conflict would be man vs society. The society is represented by the twelve districts and the man by the Capitol. Maybe it would be man vs self because Katniss feels confused by her love towards Gale and towards Peeta. She has equal feelings about both of them. Gale is her loyal friend, best friend for many years and hunting partner. Peeta went to the hunger games with her, won with her. They made a connection in the games. She cannot make her mind up… Hurry up Katniss Hunger game is starting again. 

The Giver -Conflict-

The conflict in "The Giver" is man vs society. The conflict started when Jonas started his training as the Reciever of memory. Jonas was supposed to take over the role of the Giver since the Giver was getting old. He was not meant to bring any change to the existing order of things. The Giver gave Jonas many memories of happiness, love, fear, pain, hunger, war, memories of the community's past. Jonas had never experienced these memories because the community had promoted sameness, they got rid of color, music and feelings because they thought that it would protect the society. The purpose of uniformity and sameness was to prevent people from having different opinions and feelings. In this way, there would be no risk that the society may change, for the better or for the worse. Jonas's mind started changing, the memories that the Giver gave him changed his perspective and how he thought of the community. Jonas started becoming aware of the community's dark secrets. He could see how pain, pleasure, love, fear and feelings make life worth-while living. He was determined to change the community.

A Little Princess-Conflict

The conflict in the story is more people vs money..Its people vs money because Sara first starts living very rich with Mrs. Minchin Then her dad doesn't have enough money or loses his job and he cant help Sara because If he loses his job Mrs. Minchin wont take good care of Sara anymore because she wont get enough money from Sara's dad. So less money Sara's dad gives Mrs. Minchin less pritier her room would be and she would be less cared by others.

Time Pirates

Time Pirates

By:Ted Bell

       The book is a really good one from where I am at. When they go in the forest their dog ran off in to the woods to chase or find something. While Nick and Kate McIver went through the forest Nick said they are looking for a farm. There is then a lake to be crossed and once they do Nick sees their dog and saw what it was looking for. In the trees there was a corpse of a Nazi. Kate asked what it was and Nick told her and said to not look at it. Later they found the barn they were looking for. They found a wreaked plane. Nick said he could get it up and running soon. Him and Gunner, one of his closes friends. Gunner is a real good engineer so that is why Nick thinks they can do it.

             The conflict is a Man vs. Man. The reason is is because Kate McIver is captured by a pirate called Billy Blood and Nick has to save his sister from him. But he has to go to the past to do so. Later on he he gets his sister and has to fight off the Nazis with the most heartiest pirate crew ever assembled. 

The Fault in our Stars Conflict

The conflict in my book is when Hazel and Augustus meet Peter Van Houten. This is because Peter turns out to be an old man with an amazing book he forgot he wrote. Hazel gets angry at Peter because he won't tell her what happens after the book "An Imperial Affliction".  Augustus thinks that Peter is a downright fool because he talked cruelly about children with cancer calling them "sick little children" which Hazel will never forget he said she was considered a "sick little child''. Hazel never wants to interview him again after what he said. Augustus thinks Hazel is right and they spend the rest of their peaceful visit in Amsterdam.

The Edge Chronicles Conflict

Alex N 6B
"The Edge Chronicles, Book #1"
pgs #127
Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell

In my book, the conflict is man vs. nature. I think it is so because on his way to meet his uncle, he encounters lethal creatures, man-eating trees, giant bugs and so on. For example when he was trying to find a pathway during the night, he found a tree that was very soft. When he woke up, vines wrapped around his ankles and he was dragged upwards, where a tree had a giant mouth, with razor teeth, but Twig used his knife to cut himself free, and escaped! So that's why I think the conflict is man vs. nature. 

Pretty little liars -CONFLICT-

The story that I am reading is called pretty little liars. I believe that the conflict is man v.s. man. The conflict started when a girl named Alison DiLaurentis was murdered. (I am not sure if its true though, I don't believe it and neither should you) They found out her murdered her but her 4 best friends (Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hanna) believe that the unkown "A" forced that person to kill Alison for some uknown reason. I think that it was probably to get revenge on herr for something she did. So the conflict continues with the fact that t"A" is threatning them and killing people and following their every move. Also meanwhile another conflict is going on which is man v.s. self. the conflict is that they are all having difficulties  in their private lives like, family, love life, friends, finding ways not to panic with all the "A" texts going on. You must be wondering now, "Why on earth don't they tell this to the police?" I right now don't know either, it will probably explain soon in the book. So my book has 1 main conflict and other little side conflicts.     

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Oathbound Wizard - the Conflict

The conflict of the book I am reading is man vs man. The reason I think it's man vs man is because the main character named Matt has to conquer and become king of a kingdom in order to marry his beloved queen. He decides to conquer the neighboring kingdom of Mersivor. It's the kingdom of the evil Gordorgrosso. He rules the kingdom with an iron fist. Now as in the real world we can break such an oath and give up. We will still be alive normal and will go on with our lives, but in such fantasy world Matt finds out that he cannot break such a promise. No he has to fight the evil Gordorgrosso and conquer the kingdom. It's either that or he dies trying. We all sort of know who will win, but there's no trusting the authors because they can change the story or write a sequel of it, who knows. Keep reading my blog posts to find out what happens in this wonderful book. Bye and hope you enjoyed reading the blog post. Stay tuned for more. 

Stranded - Conflict


By Ben Mikaelsen

In the book called Stranded there are a lot of conflicts. None the less there is one major conflict. The conflict that I am talking about is Man vs Time. It all started when a girl called Koby went out there in the sea to find a whale she named Lady and her two day old cub Squirt. She went to Cumberlnd Banks which was the place where she found them the last day. At first she didn't see and after two hours of looking, decided to go home. Along the way when she was returning, she saw some logs and on top of them were 2 whale fins!.. It was Lady and Squirt! They looked horrible and smelled that way too. Who did this, sharks? At that time that was not really a question too Koby. She just tried to stay awake. All she could hope for is to see a light and see someone coming to rescue her and the whales. Hours passed and Koby was there alone with the whales barely breathing... At that moment it became a Man vs Time. Will the whales make it or the help will not get there in time? You will have to read the book to find out. 

The Reaper Man -Conflict-

The Reaper Man
By Terry Pratchett
  353 pages

       The conflict in the book The Reaper Man is  duty vs. an easy death (not to be confused with Death with a capital).
          It started when Death was given Time, which meant he was going to die. So he can't be Death anymore. Instead he was spending the rest of his life working in a farm for Mrs. Flitworth, disguised as Mr. Bill Door, waiting for an easy death. But when Mrs. Flitworth figure's out who he is and what is happening she has a bit of a talk with Death. When he tells her the new Death will be terrible she manages to persuade him to fight his fate. Then Death prepares some things, makes himself think the impossible and then goes back to Bill Door for a while. He ends up fighting the new Death. The fight has lot's of jumping through walls, something to do with a harvest and all comes down to a scythe. The entire conflict was made up of parts, the whole thing was duty vs an easy death, which has a bit of man vs. self in it because the reaper (Death) has to make himself believe the impossible and the last part is man vs. man. The fight.

Images of scythe from http://narutobase.net/forums/showthread.php?t=80764 
Image of conflict from https://www.galtung-institut.de/



The first conflict that I figured out in the book is man vs society. The reason why I think so is because, Stanley will have to go to the prison for stealing the shoes of a famous basketball player, which he didn't do. It was resolved by sending him to Camp Green lake . Stanley thinks he went to the Camp Green lake because of his family curse named, no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather!. The second conflict is that, Warden is using the boys to find treasure underground. Stanley can't do anything, so he just digs holes. This conflict would be named man vs man. The last conflict is when Zero runs away from the camp and Stanley tries to find him. Zero tells Stanley that he was the one that took the shoes from the place where it was kept and said he didn't mean to steal the shoes, he was poor and didn't have any shoes to wear that is why he took the shoes. He told Stanley that he didn't wear the shoes because it smelled bad. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Mark of Athena - Conflict

Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan
574 Pages

The conflict of Mark of Athena is man vs supernatural. It is man vs supernatural is because the demigods fight the giants, naiads, gods and monsters. Percy Jackson and the others go on the quest and while they are on the quest they and they learn to like each other and work together. Annabeth was on the quest to find the Mark of Athena and while trying to find it she encountered many monsters and a big spider (I know it's weird but it's just it is). Percy, Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank and Hazel go on a another quest. They try to save their friend Nico from the giants. Percy, Piper and Jason go together and Leo. Frank and Hazel go to another place. Percy and Jason learn to work together. Leo and Frank learn also together to work together. Monster even possess their bodies. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

 Razin Yubazlan

Language and Literature 6B
Ms.Sonja Stanisic
18th September, 2014

The Late Bus
                                                             Rick Jasper

The book that I am reading is called The Late Bus, written by Rick Jasper. It contains 105 pages(21 chapters) and the genre is fiction. Other books Rick Jasper have written in the past are Lock In, Messages From Beyond, The Prank, The Protectors, Skin, Thaw, Unthinkable and many more. 
Conflict of The late bus
The conflicts in this story are Boy vs Man as I said the protagonist in this book is Lamar the boy and  the antagonist is Mr Rumble the man/bus driver. The boy Lamar had a warning that someone is in trouble and when Mr Rumble become the bus driver everything had gone wrong.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Three Times Lucky + conflict


Times Lucky 

 I read 20 pages on my first try. It wasn’t hard it was a good level for me. During those 20 pages they explain to me the characters and what the book is more about and in the end i will write a small paragraph of what i think the main conflict is.  The main characters that I can recall from this book are, Mo : who likes to act more of a detective and helps run a café, she is also the actual main character in this book, Dale Earnhardt Johnson 111 who is Mo’s best friends, Miss Lana owns the café and so does Colonel, they are old but kind people. Dolph Andrews who has been recently been killed. So far in the story Mo has woken up every body she lives with[E] . She goes to the café to work. Mo is too short to reach the counter so she uses a create of some drinks, to get on top and speak to the customers. As everybody walked in the café Mayor little came and started a conversation with Mo and everybody else including Ms. Lana, he announced as he smoothened out his tie that Dolph Andres was killed with a picture to show to everyone as proof. Mo guessed that someone had slit his throat meanwhile a woman reacted by dropping her spoon of soup in disgust. But Little Mayor said an unknown person came into his house, cut his phone line and pulled the trigger of a gun on him. Outside the café a boy approached the door to enter and he was wearing casual material but not wearing them decently. He owned a very nice car called a thThunderbirdWhen Mo took a look at this guy and didnt like him that much, he had an unpolight way of speaking to Mo when he was ordering his food because they didn’t have the actual food he wanted. He made his order and sat by the window looking outside the café parking lot while waiting for his food.

So far from what I have read the conflict in this chapter is man Vs self in this case the man is Dolph Andrews being killed, Mo and Dale have immediately switched into detective mode and works on the case. Many other more including the mayour himself is also trying to crack the code untill then the killer has not been found.
Thank you for reading.
