Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pretty little liars -CONFLICT-

The story that I am reading is called pretty little liars. I believe that the conflict is man v.s. man. The conflict started when a girl named Alison DiLaurentis was murdered. (I am not sure if its true though, I don't believe it and neither should you) They found out her murdered her but her 4 best friends (Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hanna) believe that the unkown "A" forced that person to kill Alison for some uknown reason. I think that it was probably to get revenge on herr for something she did. So the conflict continues with the fact that t"A" is threatning them and killing people and following their every move. Also meanwhile another conflict is going on which is man v.s. self. the conflict is that they are all having difficulties  in their private lives like, family, love life, friends, finding ways not to panic with all the "A" texts going on. You must be wondering now, "Why on earth don't they tell this to the police?" I right now don't know either, it will probably explain soon in the book. So my book has 1 main conflict and other little side conflicts.     

1 comment:

  1. Who is MS.rebellion?
    Wow, nice paragraph, but next time use transition words.
