Sunday, September 28, 2014

Half Brother - conflict Aleksa D

The conflict in Half Brother is man vs self, because Ben is trying to accept that now Zan is his brother and when he accepted it and started liking it he had to accept that Zan is an experiment and has to let him go. He learns that life is not always fair and that sometimes you don't get to share your opinion but have to keep it in and deal with it. First Ben's parents don't ask him if he is okay with Zan becoming his brother and teaching him sign language and they do not think what will happen when Ben has to let him go. As Zan grows in both size and strength, and the experiment becomes more difficult to maintain safely, Project Zan begins to spiral out of control. At this point, Ben finds an ally in Peter, one of the student research assistants working on the project. Like Ben, Peter sees Zan for what he truly is – a living being with real needs and emotions. With Peter, Ben attempts to find a way out of what has become a tragic trap for Zan. Now it unknown what will happen to Zan, but all we know for now he is in danger.

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