Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Oathbound Wizard Protagonist and Antagonist

           I am currently a book called The Oathbound Wizard. Now I will be talking to you about the protagonist and the antagonist of this story. The protagonist of any story is the main character and the antagonist is the opposing force that works against the protagonist. Protagonist and antagonist are fancy and advanced terms for the main character and the mean, evil and bad guy of the story.  

           The protagonist is Matt. He was transported from the real world to this bizarre land where he speaks in rhymes and is a wizard. He likes a queen named Queen Alisande. They could not marry, because of their responsibilities and the rules. Queens could only marry kings, therefore Matt took a foolish vow to conquer a kingdom and then marry the queen. The kingdom Matt tried to conquer held a secret (a secret at least to readers).

           The kingdom which Matt tried to conquer was the kingdom of the antagonist. The ruler of that kingdom was named Gordogrosso. The kingdom is neighboring a place called Ibile. The ruler of that kingdom has magical powers as well, he also wears an iron fist.

           Those are the protagonist and the antagonist of my story. I hope you now know the antagonist and the protsgonist.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Vishesh you did an awesome job I really like how much detail you put into it. Now I have totally figured out the protagonist and the antagonist of your story.
