Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Three Times Lucky + conflict


Times Lucky 

 I read 20 pages on my first try. It wasn’t hard it was a good level for me. During those 20 pages they explain to me the characters and what the book is more about and in the end i will write a small paragraph of what i think the main conflict is.  The main characters that I can recall from this book are, Mo : who likes to act more of a detective and helps run a café, she is also the actual main character in this book, Dale Earnhardt Johnson 111 who is Mo’s best friends, Miss Lana owns the café and so does Colonel, they are old but kind people. Dolph Andrews who has been recently been killed. So far in the story Mo has woken up every body she lives with[E] . She goes to the café to work. Mo is too short to reach the counter so she uses a create of some drinks, to get on top and speak to the customers. As everybody walked in the café Mayor little came and started a conversation with Mo and everybody else including Ms. Lana, he announced as he smoothened out his tie that Dolph Andres was killed with a picture to show to everyone as proof. Mo guessed that someone had slit his throat meanwhile a woman reacted by dropping her spoon of soup in disgust. But Little Mayor said an unknown person came into his house, cut his phone line and pulled the trigger of a gun on him. Outside the café a boy approached the door to enter and he was wearing casual material but not wearing them decently. He owned a very nice car called a thThunderbirdWhen Mo took a look at this guy and didnt like him that much, he had an unpolight way of speaking to Mo when he was ordering his food because they didn’t have the actual food he wanted. He made his order and sat by the window looking outside the café parking lot while waiting for his food.

So far from what I have read the conflict in this chapter is man Vs self in this case the man is Dolph Andrews being killed, Mo and Dale have immediately switched into detective mode and works on the case. Many other more including the mayour himself is also trying to crack the code untill then the killer has not been found.
Thank you for reading.


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