Sunday, December 2, 2012


Suzanne Collins
390 pages

I am reading Mockingjay, it is the last book of the hunger games trilogy. the most interesting part of the story is when Katniss got here schedule that she had to have for district thirteen when it finally is coming back now. so they are really strict and make you learn a lot of stuff. I recommend this book to people how like adventures stories, and serious at sometimes. I hope you read it!


  1. You're already on Mockinjay? Awesome. I can't wait until you finish!

  2. iv once read mocking jay and the way you described it wouldbe an explanation for why it was a pleasing book.

  3. I have read the first two books, I can't find the book Mockingjay.
    Where did you find it?

  4. wow! it sounds cool! i would love to read it :)
