Sunday, April 6, 2014


Written by R.J. Palacio
142/315 # of pages
Review by Shelly Ness

Hey guys!
As some of you know I am reading a really awesome book called wonder.  So August the main character which has some issues with his face was narrating the story. I really love Auggie (August's nickname). I love him. It's just I feel really bad for him,, and he goes through hard issues (which I can connect to) and people don't like him and they were bribed to be his friend. I would be his friend though. I don't care what his face looks like but he is so fun and amazing and his family treats him like a baby because they care so much and I just can't. 

I chose this reading at the February break. I found out about this book because Ashley told me it is a good book so at a bookstore at the airport in London, I got really bored so I got that book and it was really interesting! So i am doing a blog post about it!

Talking about friends and family, Via, his sister was narrating the story and she talked about how she sees august and protects him and loves him. He has been home schooled for all his life and suddenly his parents and him decided to send him to school. He was doing pretty well until Halloween. His best friend told a group of boys that he doesn't like August and that August just wouldn't leave him alone! August was there, and he was in a costume so they didn't know it was him. August felt bad, he threw up and went home. Halloween was his favorite holiday and he didn't want to enjoy it. Via loved and cared for him and she knew something was up so she went to check and he just said he has problems. In the end she persuaded him to go to the parade with her and have fun.

Then Summer, the girl who sat with him for lunch at the first day of school because she felt sad for him narrated the book. Summer was really pretty and nice and was asked why she is hanging out with the "freak"! she said because he was nice and awesome and fun, unlike them who don't want to play any games because now they are in middle school.Summer and August were planning to go to the Halloween parade together as a unicorn and Boba Fett which is a character from star wars. August wanted that costume but his mom didn't find it in his size so she bought another costume and worked hard to make it like Boba Fett, and in the end August didn't wear it to school. This made me so sad, like, i was crying.

That night they both kind of broke their promises or changed plans because August felt bad, but went with his sister anyway. But Summer. She was invited to this girl's Halloween party, and was told to come without a costume. This girl is called Savanna and she is the most popular girl in school. Summer came to the party and she saw that there was all couples. She had no couple. Then Savanna asked her were her boyfriend was, and she was referring to August. Summer said that they aren't boyfriend and girlfriend and then Savanna was trying to set her up with this cute boy who likes her, and Savanna and her boyfriend told her that everyone likes her and thinks she is pretty and nice so Summer said okay and Savanna was just about to get Julian, the boy. Julian is really mean to August, by the way. But then she said she needs to go to the toilet. She went, called her mom to pick her up, and without any questions her mom came. She hid in the toilet and then sneaked out. The next day Savanna asked her what happened, and she said that she felt sick and Savanna believed her and she told Savanna she didn't like Julian, and she liked someone else so that Julian would leave her alone. Then at the parade no unicorn was seen.

 Jack Will started narrating the story, and August was ignoring him because he was the best friend whose aid mean things. That is how much i read. An unknown word was Flabbergasted, page 116. It means to surprise (someone) greatly; astonish. A sentence (from the book) was "Double-Stunned. Stung. Flabbergasted. No words formed in my mouth." this was said by Via when August told her that Miranda, her friend missed her and loved August and always will as a brother.


QOTD: fiction or non-fiction?

lol this is for instagram and tumblr and we heart it people so yeh.... answer in the comment if you feel like it? Thanks!

Hope you like my post!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Shelly, you wrote a lot!
    I think the way you wrote your post is very interesting, so is the book!

    CK, Cosmo xD
