Monday, February 25, 2013

Number the Stars #2

Number the Stars
Lois Lowry
137/137 pages

This fantastic novel teaches you lessons about an adventure of freedom with a heart-warming friendship and a bravery. 

10 year old Annemarie is taking a life risking adventure for her dear friend Ellen to be free. She has to deliver the secret envelope to Uncle Henrik who has the Jews including Ellen on his boat to help them be free on Sweden right across the water.  Annemarie doesn't even know what it is in there. She takes the envelope and puts in in a basket full of food. She runs as fast as a wind just like how she has been practicing for school race on each Fridays. She meets two soldiers with two scary sniffing dogs. 


  1. that is a really good book. I read it in 4th grade

  2. Wow she seems to be a really good friend. Ellen is really lucky to have such a good friend i think the majority of people wouldn't do that for there friends because its life risking.
