Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Indian in the Cupboard

Author: Lynne Reid Banks
Number of Pages: 215
Direct Sentence: “But what shell I do with the cupboard?”asked Omri desperately. “Leave it empty,” said Patrick. “In case.” He didn’t say in case what. But he didn’t have to. Just to know you could. That was enough.

Resolution in this book starts in the last Chapter 16 when main character Omri decides to bring a wife for Little Bear and make a wedding feast for them. He realizes that he needs to turn the figures back into plastic and return them to their own lives. They have the blood brother ceremony and they put all the figures in the cupboard. Omri and Little Bear become blood brothers. Then, Omri and Patrick put the figures on the shelf and the cupboard is empty. Omri gives the key of the cupboard to his mother.