Monday, September 14, 2015

Gilda Joyce The Ghost Sonata Nina

The protagonist in my book is Gilda Joyce. She is a teenage girl who loves mysteries. Gilda also has a interest in fashion. She is funny, smart, kind and brave. Even when she is scared she can have a positive attitude. Gilda has lot's of friends. Her best friend is Wendy Choy, Wendy loves playing piano. In this book Gilda has to solve a lot of puzzles.

I still don't know who the antagonist is but, i would say it's a ghost, or a spirit. Gilda and Wendy have seen it. Wendy had a dream were there where many empty rehearsal rooms. In one there was a boy who was playing piano, she realized that it was a ghost. When Gilda was asleep she heard noises, she opened her eyes and saw the same boy. So i'm guessing that the antagonist is a ghost.