Thursday, September 24, 2015


 The protagonist in my story is David he is a good person. He goes to school but people don't like him because he is a pale. Pales are people that died once and then they came back to life with serum [drug] that they made but the only difference is that when you came back you are all white. Your hair is white body and eyes are blue people don't like them so in school everybody jokes him and fight. But there are becoming more of those pales so he got friends. he died in car crash and he lives on graveyard because the law don't let them live in house and do the things as normal people they ignore pales and they act to them like they are dead. He got the fiends that become pales. So David is a protagonist and he is a good person in the story. And antagonist in the story is Kyle he go with pales to school and he hate them so he always fight them and his friend Jim become a pale and then Kyle hate him because he is a pale. So David a Jim become friends because they are both pales


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