Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The boy in the Painted cave

This week we had assigned to read 4 chapters. My role was to be  the summarizer of the book. I now will tell you about the book:

Graybeard comes many times to teach Tao more about cave painting. One day Greybeard said that he will come back to teach Tao more but Tao was waiting long time and at last he came. Tao and Ram went to the mountain people when the hunters were gone. A mountain person took Tao to Graybeard and Tao saw that Graybeard Was really sick. Graybeard told Tao that he will be the next cave painter and Tao is really excited.

Key Points:

1.Graybeard always returned to teach Tao more about cave painting.

2.Graybeard told Tao that he is good enough to be a cave painter.

3.Tao crossed the river with Ram when the hunters were gone.

4.One of the mountain people took Tao to Graybeard and Tao saw that he was really sick.

5.Graybeard told Tao that he will be the next chosen one.

For this week we are supposed to read four chapters, that means that we have to finish the book and my role will be the connector and describe a part of the book that connect to my real life, and find connections between the book and an event that happened outside the school in my private life.


Boy of the Painted Cave by Justin Denzel

we read 4 chapters (chapter 11-14)

Job work - Discussion Director - I ask questions to my friends
Q1. How do you think Tao feels?
A1. They thought Tao felt happy, because he will be a chosen person.

Q2. Why is Tao worried about Graybeard?
A2. Because Graybeard has sickness.

Q3. Why does Graybeard criticize Tao? 
A3. Because he wants to see great pictures.

Q4. Why did Tao let Ram go into the herd of deer?
A4. Because he knew that the doe of the herd was sensing danger.

Q5. What did people from mountain did to Ram?
A5. The mountain people tied Ram's mouth fibers and thongs.

For next week we are going to read 4 chapters(chapter 15-18) and my job for next time is Vocab.

Boy of the painted cave

My job was to write vocabularies and write definitions. Rippling means (moves in a way that is not obvious), puzzled means (difficult to understand) ,steeper means (falling at a sharp angle), grasping means (always eager to get more of something) engraving means (a picture printed on paper from hard) leaping means (to make a large jump).
For new discussion. i am going to be travel tracer and read four chapter, finish book.

Boy of the painted cave

This week we read chapter 10 - 14 band next week the last one, up to chapter 18 and I was the travel tracer.

Tao first went to the camp site of the clan. But he wasn't allowed to go back so the hunters began chasing him. Then he crossed the river and went to Greybeard. When he came there Greybeard was really sick but he told him he was the chosen one. Tao was happy he could paint but sad that Greybeard was really sick.

Hollis Woods

This week I was the discussion director. I decided to draw the scene before Josie and Hollis escaped to the summerhouse of the Reagans. Josie and Hollis are drinking hot chocolate while the Evil Cat Henry stares into the camera I guess.


Extra Credit
For last week I started to read a new book for extra credit, because my group finished earlier. I read five chapters and  I really enjoyed reading this book. Dinnie or her real name Domenica Santolina Doone, was happier in her last life. Her family was traveling a lot because of her dad's job. Her dad did all kinds of work. He was looking for lot's of opportunities. Dinnie had a older sister and a brother. Their names were Crick and Stella. Of course her mother was also there. Everything was good, until Aunt Sandy came to visit them. On all kinds of ways she did not like how they live and wanted to take Dinnie in the city, into another country to live with her husband. She wanted Dinnie to join them.  She agreed that Dinnie will have a much better life. Not much time past when her aunt came back for her, with her husband. She told her to get into the car, took her box of things and left. They left straight to the airport. For the first time Dinnie flew in an airplane. She loved it and didn't stop looking at the window. Even her aunt and aunt's husband are moving to Switzerland. This was a new beginning for all three of them. Now they were on the train station. It was a real new opportunity. Especially for Dinnie.

Caddie Woodlawn #5

The Book
Title: Caddie Woodlawn

Author: Carol Ryrie Brink

Number Of Chapters: 24 chapters

Number Of Pages: 242 pages

Last Week's Jobs
Nurin's Job: "Vocabulary"

Sonia's Job: "Illustrator"

My Job: "Connector


When Warren messed up the words on "Speaking Day" and had to see Mrs.Parker i had the same problem once, i had to say something in Spanish but i skipped words and then the teacher said that it was good but i needed more practice.
What We Read: 5
 chapters, from pg. 129-177
(Scalp Belt, A Dollar's Worth, "Fol de Rol-lol", Warren Performs, Pee-wee)
This Week's Jobs
Sonia's Job: "Connector"
Nurin's Job: "Travel Tracer"
My Job: "Illustrator"

For the next day 2, we will read 3 chapters, from pg. 178-238
(News from the Outside,Two unexpected Heroes, Alas! Poor Annabelle!, Father Speaks, A Letter with a foreign Stamp, Pigeons or Peacocks?, Travelers Return)

The Phantom Tollbooth

the phantom tollbooth
my job: vocab guy.

     making a splendid appearance or show

     an instrumental piece, often in several movements

     brave spirited, noble, or chivalrous

     to sign again

      a high point of land or rock projecting into the sea

     radiating or reflecting light

     disagreement or incongruity  

Caddie Woodlawn (5)

Caddie Woodlawn (5)

For next time:
Nurin: Travel Tracer
Electra: Illustrator
Sonia: Connector
     Read: The rest of the book for next time.

     In the last five chapters, Indian John and the rest of the Indians left their camp for a while because Caddie advised them to do so. Indian John gave Caddie his scalp belt and his dog. Caddie shows the scalp belt to her brothers and they decide to put on a display. Children came to see the scalp belt. Next, Caddie, Tom, and Warren went to visit Katie because they had not sen her at school. Katie was sick at home, and they showed her the scalp belt, as she had missed the scalp belt show. At Katie's house, they found out that Tom sent her the beautiful Valentine's day card.

Caddie Woodlawn #5 (Literature Circles)

The Book
Title: Caddie Woodlawn

Author: Carol Ryrie Brink

Number Of Chapters: 24 chapters

Number Of Pages: 242 pages

Number of Pages We Read All Together: 177 pages

Last Week's Jobs

My Job: "Vocabulary Enricher"

Sonia's Job: "Illustrator"

Electra's Job: "Connector"

What We Read: Five chapters, from pg. 129-177

(Scalp Belt, A Dollar's Worth, "Fol de Rol-lol", Warren Performs, and Pee-Wee)

Vocabulary Enricher

Vocab #1- Flint Chapter 14, pg. 138
-A hard stone, form of silica.

Vocab #2- Moccasins Chapter 14, pg. 139

- Heelless shoe made of leather (deer skin)
-Worn by the American Indians 

Vocab #3- Guttural Chapter 14, pg. 139

-Produced in the throat; harsh-sounding.

Vocab #4- Molasses Chapter 15 pg. 154

-Thick Syrup produced during the refining of sugar, varying from light to dark brown in color.

Vocab #5- Dismay Chapter 16 pg. 162

-To cause someone to feel consternation and distress.

Vocab #6- Monotonous Chapter 17 pg. 169

-Dull; Lacking in variety and interest.

Literacy Circles Meeting

My Job: "Travel Tracer"

Sonia's Job: "Connector"

Electra's Job: "Illustrator"

For the next day 2, we will read seven chapters, ( until the end of the book) from pg. 178-242 (end of book)

(News, From the Outside, Two Unexpected Heroes, Alas! Poor Annabelle!,Father Speaks, A Letter with a Foreign Stamp, Pigeons or Peacocks?, and Travelers Return )

The Phantom Tollbooth

Title: The Phantom Tollbooth
Author: Norton Juster
Job: Connector

My job was connector and and my connection is that my mom, my sister and I were once going to the parliament and we needed directions so we asked a kind man and he hopped in our car to guide us to it just like they asked for help from someone and he hoped in their car to guide them.

Out next jobs are:

Shubhi- summarizer
Maki- travel tracker
Brandon- ilustrator

The Phantom Tollbooth

This week i was discussion director and here are my questions and my answers.

My groups jobs:

Shubhi: Connector

Brandon: Vocab

Max: Discussion Director

Now my questions and answers 

1. Do you think we should have only pleasant sounds ?

Answer: No we should have both because some people like pleasant sounds others don't like them.

2. Who did Milo and Humbug meet on the island ?

Answer: Milo and Humbug met Canby on the island.

3. How can you get of the island of conclusions ?

Answer: By swimming of it.

4. What is a dodecahedron ?

Answer: It’s a shape that has 12 flat faces.

5. Who is the Mathemagician ?

Answer: He is the owner of the number mine and he throws out juels and keeps numbers.

The Egypt Game

Zilpha Keattey Snyder

They are at their hiding spot and someone comes and they get flicked out by Toby. They chucked with laughter. April gets pissed and wants to hit Toby in the nose. The sixth graders are making a fuse out of everything and making a current event for tomorrow. Elisabeth had an idea and was the kind of person that gave ideas in emergencies. The boys are confused Elisabeth is talking to a sixth greater. The boys are in the game. They helped the boy out of the hole didn't go to any houses and caught up with the group. The boys get troubled with their parents them meat up on ride Toby lied about getting hit by a truck. The girls come to the place and worry about the boy sand what they are going to do .April got a letter that someone was getting married and that she flushed it down the toilet. April is not mean to Caroline and lets her give her love in a family way. The boys came and started looking around and asking questions they asked the girls to wrights some stuff. They are predicting.

The Egypt Game

Book: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keattey Snyder
My Job: Connector

I have a connection to the whole Halloween part of the story because I used to get dressed up and got trick or treating and do all the stuff they did. I also would go do things like try go into other people haunted yards as a kids and see if no one would catch us. Me and my friends used to be scared sometimes because we would think big monsters would be catching us to. So for my connection I have a connection to the whole Halloween theme.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Caddie Woodlawn (Discusion Director)

Title: Caddie Woodlawn
Pages: 242
Read: Chapter 12 to chapter 15
Job: Discussion Director

Why were the Indians leaving?
Caddie told them that the white people will kill them so they have to leave and hide.
What did Indian John give Caddie? Why?
Indian John gave Caddie his scalp belt because he was scared he would loose it. He also have her his dog because the dog was hurt.
Why did the Honkinson children cry? What did Caddie do to cheer them up?
The children cried because their mum was leaving. Caddie used her silver doller to buy them sweets and hankies and children.
What happened at the peep show?
The children saw the scalp belt and then sung a song.
What happened when Tom and Caddie went see Katy?
Katy was very sick. She liked the scalp belt and she liked the cookies. She looked better after they left.

May 24, 2013
Caddie Woodlawn
By Carol Ryrie Vrink

Old Jobs:
My Job: Illustrator
Jihyun: Illustrator #2
Ellie: Discussion Director
Andrea: ?

New Jobs: 
Celine: Travel Chaser
Andrea: Illustrator
Jihyun: Summerizer
Ellie: Connector

This picture shows how Katie Hyman got the pretty valentines from somebody. (TOM)  Caddie is over to the side sad because she thought that maybe that card that Tom bought was for her. All the other girls are amazed at the beautiful valentines.  On the card which is beautifully decorate, says " The rose is red, The violet is blue, Sugar is sweet, Just like you."  

Literary Circles - Caddie Woodlawn (#2)

Caddie Woodlawn
By Carol Ryrie Brink

Last Task (from Friday to next Monday): Finish reading Chapter 6 (p. 33-62)
Last Roles:
Celine- Summarizer
Ellie- Vocab Enricher
Jihyun- Discussion Director
Andrea-  Connector

New Task (Until May 8th): Finish reading Chapter 12 (p. 63-128)
New Roles:
Andrea- Discussion Director
Ellie- Illustrator
Celine- Vocab Enricher
Jihyun- Travel Tracer

Discussion Director

  • Why does Uncle Edmund want to take Nero to St. Louis?
Celine- He wants to take Nero to St. Louis, because Uncle Edmund wants a hunter dog. And Nero is a very good dog. Uncle Edmund really loves him too.

  • Will this affect the other people?
Celine- For the kids, yes. Because they really love Nero. And if the kids want to go playing, then they wouldn't have a dog to go play with. But I don't think I they will live will affect them if Nero's gone. Because they can just buy a new sheep dog.

  • What does Mrs. Conroy try to say (mean) on page 62? ("Faith any ye'll not be so plaised before th' winter's over,")
Celine- They...survival...and good things will still be there even when it's still winter.
Jihyun- Do you think she meant to do something with turkey?
Celine- Yes. I think it'll do something with turkey... yes.
Jihyun- If we look at what her mistress says: "They'll be tired of turkey soon enough, but let them enjoy themselves while they can."  I think that means that Mrs. Conroy and she will going to do with Woodlawns' turkeys.

  • Why do you think Obediah was so confident and not scared?
Ellie- Because last year, he was the boss of the school teacher.
Jihyun- But why was he the boss? Why was he so confident? 
Ellie- Because last time, even the teacher was scared of him.

  • What kind of a teacher do you think Miss Parker is?
Ellie- Small teacher.
Jihyun- But what do you think made the big boy to go outside, comb his hair and then come back again?
Ellie- Because she spanked him with a ruler, I think.
Celine-I'm going to answer the question you had before, what do you think Miss Parker's like? I think she is a strict teacher. I think she hit the boy like what Ellie said, but in a way, I think she didn't, because if she's scared of the boy, why would she hit him? 
Jihyun- I believe that Miss Parker is originally a nice teacher, but as soon as she sees a misbehaving boy who is making these fights, I think she was being a little bit strict and scary to make him do things right.
  • Summarize the chapters that we've read.
(Celine's post)
  • Connect the events in the book with something else.
(Andrea's post)
  • What were some texts that you didn't understand?
  • Can you explain some new vocabularies that you've learned?
(Ellie's post)
  • Does anybody have anything to share?

Pictures of Hollis Woods

We read 5 chapters, Author Patricia Reilly Giff
This week i was literary Luminary-
The paragraphs i chose are

pg. 90 paragraph-4
I chose this paragraph because i thought it was pretty neat how she just closed her eye's and thought back about and remembered a day from her past how she felt and what she did.

pg. 93 paragraph-2
I liked how it describes how Josie felt in deep detail.

pg. 104 paragraph-4 
I think it's cool how Josie is making a sculpture for Hollis of Hollis.

pg.110 paragraph-1 
I liked how Hollis can feel things other people are going through and how she understands how they feel.

pg. 113 paragraph-4
Seeing how much of an adventure Hollis has been on is amazing going from person to person and house to house. 

The Phantom Tollbooth

Lately in our litterature circles we have continued reading The Phantom Tollbooth. This week (or more) my job was to be a summarizer.

We have read up to chapter 7. A this point Milo has already met the dog and set off in his auto mobile after have already been setting a quest to get to Milo's prior location. But as always in most stories they run into some problematic challenges. Milo and his loyal companion the watch dog have been sentenced to a million long term years in jail due to the extravaganzic chaos in the market.after this shocking scenteces they got somewhat helpful advice from a which that tells them the story of her so called "youth".they also got some helpful advice tha if they were good their scenteces would be shortened to 500,000 years.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Caddie Woodlawn (4)

Caddie Woodlawn
Last week (for this day 2) we read five chapters from our book. This week (for the next day 2) we are going to read five chapters.

My Job: Discussion Director
     My Questions:

             1. Do you think Tom stole Caddie's silver dollar to buy a Valentines Day card for a girl?
I think that Tom stole Caddie's silver dollar because a silver dollar is worth a lot, and he wanted to buy a really nice Valentines day card for a girl. Also, in the book, Caddie says that Tom can't save up money, which means that he must have got the money without earning it.

             2. Do you think the Indians will kill the white people?
I don't think so, mostly because a few Indians know Caddie and her family and are their friends.

             3. Why would the Indians kill the white people?
I'm not really sure what would make the Indians want to kill the white people, but I know that some white people hate or are scared of the Indians, which could be a reason.

In the last five chapters that we read, the Woodlawns get to hear Mr Woodlawn's childhood story, then go to school. Next, Valentines Day comes and the children are excited to go to school on Valentines Day. The day before, Caddie goes to a shop to buy comics for her brothers, sister and friends, and only brings 6 pennies with her, leaving her silver dollar at home. At the store, she sees Tom run in, and the second day (Valentines day) a girl gets a really pretty card, the one Caddie saw in the store but was way too expensive for Tom, and she could have gotten it with her silver dollar that she left at home. Later on,  they found out that Nero, the family sheep dog, which Uncle Edmund took away to the city so that he could get trained, ran away and got lost.

For the next week we are going to read five chapters again.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The boy in the Painted Cave

This week I chose to be an Illustrator and we were assigned to read four chapters. I read chapter 7 and thought of drawing the most exciting and cool part.  My exciting drawing represents Ram fighting the Mammoths and Graybeard and Tao in great danger. This is my drawing:

We read Chapter 6 to 10. I was the connecter. You can connect the book to The Hunger Games. Because there the main character also is in search for food like Tao needs food for his clan. When grey beard helps Tao for food the clan is in better condition. And in The Hunger Games the main character gets help from another person with the same problem

For next week we are reading 4 chapters and I'm the travel tracer

Hollis Woods

 Pictures of Hollis Woods
For this week my job was to be a Paragraph picker. My job was to choose one interesting paragraph and then talk about it. Also I should have wrote why I chose the paragraphs. I chose a paragraph where Hollis really misses the Regans family. I chose this paragraph because I was kind of very sad for Hollis.  Hollis really misses the Regans family but is scared to come back. I really understand her and I feel very sad for her. I thought this was a good paragraph because it shows how Hollis feels and how she would like to see the Regans again. Since we finished our book we don't have any other jobs. I will pick a book from the shelf and read it for extra credit.  I am really happy that Hollis Woods book finished happily. In the end Hollis came back to the regans family. I would really recommened this book to everyone.

The fantom tollbooth

 brandon latham
my job last week: travel tracer

  1. exit the royal palace
  2. go to digitalopalis
we read 5 chapters and we will do the same this week.

next week's jobs:

MAX: discusion

BRANDON: vocab

SHUBHI: conector

Caddie Woodlawn #4

Monday, May 13, 2013

Caddie Woodlawn #3 (Literature Circles)

The Book
Title: Caddie Woodlawn

Author: Carol Ryrie Brink

Number Of Chapters: 24 chapters

Number Of Pages: 242 pages

Last Week's Jobs

Sonia's Job: "Discussion Director"

My Job: "Pass"

What We Read: 5
 chapters, from pg. 75-128
(Breeches and Clogs,The rose is Red,Hoofs in the Dark,Massacre! and Ambassador to the Enemy)

This Week's Jobs
Sonia's Job: "Illustrstor"
Nurin's Job: "Vocabulary"

My Job: "Connector"

For the next day 2, we will read five chapters, from pg. 129-177
(Scalp Belt, A Dollar's Worth, "Fol de Rol-lol", Warren Performs, Pee-wee)

The Egypt Game

Zilpha Keatly Snyder
This week i was vocab person. I forgot my work and i couldn't do it properly.
one of them is

paragraph: 4

word: Ad-lobbed

definition : important speech

86:bump, elbow

large monument

The Egypt Game

Author: Zilpha Keattey Snyder
Chapters we read: 2 Chapters
My job: Illustrator

My job was to be the illustrator. My picture i drew was a picture of Halloween night and the parents are in a large group because other parents think that it is not safe at night. So here is the picture of the parents pulling the children around on Halloween. April and Elizabeth and Melanie are straggling behind.

Caddie Woodlawn #4 (Literature Circles)

The Book
Title: Caddie Woodlawn

Author: Carol Ryrie Brink

Number Of Chapters: 24 chapters

Number Of Pages: 242 pages

Number of Pages We Read All Together: 128 pages

Last Week's Jobs

My Job: "Connector"

Sonia's Job: "Discussion Director"

Electra's Job: "PASS"

What We Read: Five chapters, from pg. 75-128

(Breeches and Clogs, "The Rose is Red", Hoofs in the Dark, Massacree! and Ambassador to the Enemy )

I had my own connection in chapter ten when Caddie's uncle, Uncle Edmund reported a very bad new that their pet, Nero was lost and he ran away. My connection is that I had a cat last year and he ran away but we found him in the end. I'm not sure if they will find Nero later in the book but I really hope Uncle Edmund finds it.

Literacy Circles Meeting

My Job: "Vocabulary Enricher"

Sonia's Job: "Illustrator"

Electra's Job: "Connector"

For the next day 2, we will read five chapters, from pg. 129-177

(Scalp Belt, A Dollar's Worth, "Fol de Rol-lol", Warren Performs, Pee-wee)

Boy of the painted cave.- Sangyoon

I read chapter 6 to 10. it was about the story was about Tao and Ram (wolf dog). Tao wanted to draw painting but he is not aloud because he is not chosen one. Tao built his cave and drew painting inside secretly.  Tao and Ram found the big deer. It was to big for Ram to fight with. And Tao also met graybeard, who goes to all valley and bring the news. Gray beard helped people about food. He also helped Tao drawing Painting more better.

The Phantom Tollbooth

The title of the book is The Phantom Tollbooth and the author is Norton Juster and my job was Discussion Director. These are the notes I took:

  • Who are Tock, Milo and Humbug trying to find...... Rhyme and Reason
  • Who do they meet on their way...... Alec
  • What discussion do the four have...... about the importance of having their own ways of looking at the world
  • Where do Tock, Milo and Humbug run through..... The woods
  • How could Reality be visable again...... if Rhyme and Reason come back
  • Who also wants Rhyme and Reason to come back..... The Soundkeeper

Next week:
Maki- Discussion Director
Shubhi- Connector
Brandon- Vocab guy

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pictures of Hollis Woods

Written by: Patricia Reilly Giff

By: Katarina                                                                                                                             06/20/2013

Job: Discussion director

My job this week was to be the discussion director. That means that i had to think of some questions that would be relevant for us to think about while were reading these are the questions I thought of: 

1. Once Josie and Holly went into the car where did you think they would go? 

I thought that they would go stay out at a hotel or just drive to some woods and find a empty cabin.

2. Reading these chapters what was the most shocking thing for you?

I was shocked that Holly decided that they would go to the old man's cabin i thought she wanted to go away from the past but it also made sense that she would want to go back there because she loved the place and people. 

3. What is your favourite part form the three chapters? 

My favourite part was while they were driving and when they got to the old mans cabin and caught fish. 

Pictures of Hollis Woods

Written by: Patricia Reilly Giff

By: Katarina                                                                                                                             06/20/2013

Job: Illustrator. 

My illustration shows the pars when Hollis talks about her memories at the old mans, Izzy's and Steven's house. I drew Hollis of how i thought she looked and then a thinking bubble which shows one part of what she usually talks about. Next to the there is the tittle and the author because thats what i would do for the cover page.( I will scan the illustration when i get to school) 

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatly Snyder

Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Job: Summarizer
Description of my findings through the perspective of my job:

Elizabethan Diplomacy- After Egypt is "invaded" by Toby and Ken and they threaten to tell the parents that the Egyptians snuck away from the trick or treat group Elizabeth finds a solution by asking them to join the Egypt game. The boys agree but April and Melanie are still against the idea.

Moods and Maybes- April is in a bad mood because she received a letter from her mother saying that she just got a role in a movie and how more of April's stuff was going to be sent to Carol's house which confirms that April will be staying in Casa Rosada for a while longer. This makes April very angry and upset. Also, Melanie and April are unsure that Toby and Ken will keep their promises.

Hieroglyphics- Ken and Toby show up for the Egypt game brimming with ideas. They finish the hieroglyphic alphabet and assign each Egyptian a code name. Marshall becomes Marshamoses, Elizabeth is Neferbeth, April is Bastet, Melanie is Aida, Toby is Ramose, and Ken is Horemheb. Each name also has its own hieroglyphic symbol.

The Ceremony for the Dead- When Elizabeth's parakeet, Petey, is killed by a cat, a ceremony including all the Egyptians is held. It involves a procession and much eccentric mourning. Then the parakeet is soaked in salt water and anointed with perfume and spices and wrapped in cloth soaked with bicycle oil then placed in a small pyramid made of old bricks.

Friday, May 17, 2013

|THE EGYPT GAME (Illustrator)

The Egypt Game, by Zilpha Keatly Snyder.
I had to draw a picture from the book. I drew the professor, who is the supporting character in The Egypt Game. The Professor owns the antiques shop A-Z Antiques. Children who live nearby avoid him because he is strange and mysterious. April tried to talk to him, but one can say that he is a man of very few words, for he barely speaks to anybody.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatly Snyder

Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Job: Literary Luminary
Description of my findings in the perspective of my job:

"Elizabeth's ponytail pulled her hair back away from her face and neck; and there was certainly something about her delicate, slender-necked profile that was very like the statue of Nefertiti."
Snyder 66

 I chose this sentence because in the book this is the moment when Melanie and April resolve to include Elizabeth on the Egypt game. In previous pages they were clearly charmed by "the carved perfection of her face that made her smile seem like magic- an enchanted ivory princess warming suddenly to life." Snyder 63 but her resemblance of Nefertiti confirms Elizabeth as a main character and member of the Egypt game.

"A little girl in the neighbourhood had been killed. She had been on her her way to the drugstore-the very one where April had purchased her eyelashes-in the early evening, and she had never returned. The next day her body had been found in the marshland near the bay." Snyder 70

I chose this paragraph because it introduces conflict. I can tell that this is what the story will be about and that most likely in the end the Egypt gang will discover who, or what, killed the little girl. This is known as the "inciting event" of a story.

"It had happened before. Almost a year before, a little boy from the same area had disappeared in almost the same way; and the police were saying that it looked as if the guilty person was a resident of the neighbourhood." Snyder 70

I chose this paragraph because it adds a chilling new dimension to the plot. If it has happened before, it might happen again. The mere thought a person who has supposedly murdered two children living in the neighbourhood is enough to make shivers run down your spine. The pattern might even be a peace of the puzzle. The reader can't help thinking, "Does this have anything to do with Egypt?".

"The gods of Egypt struggled with the gods of conscience, and Egypt won." Snyder 85

I chose this sentence because it shows that "when their imaginations were tuned in" Snyder 85 there was no stopping Melanie and April, even the "downright and disobedient" Snyder 84 and "even deadly dangerous" Snyder 84 consequences. It shows the power of their creativity and the power of Egypt.