Monday, May 20, 2013

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatly Snyder

Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Job: Summarizer
Description of my findings through the perspective of my job:

Elizabethan Diplomacy- After Egypt is "invaded" by Toby and Ken and they threaten to tell the parents that the Egyptians snuck away from the trick or treat group Elizabeth finds a solution by asking them to join the Egypt game. The boys agree but April and Melanie are still against the idea.

Moods and Maybes- April is in a bad mood because she received a letter from her mother saying that she just got a role in a movie and how more of April's stuff was going to be sent to Carol's house which confirms that April will be staying in Casa Rosada for a while longer. This makes April very angry and upset. Also, Melanie and April are unsure that Toby and Ken will keep their promises.

Hieroglyphics- Ken and Toby show up for the Egypt game brimming with ideas. They finish the hieroglyphic alphabet and assign each Egyptian a code name. Marshall becomes Marshamoses, Elizabeth is Neferbeth, April is Bastet, Melanie is Aida, Toby is Ramose, and Ken is Horemheb. Each name also has its own hieroglyphic symbol.

The Ceremony for the Dead- When Elizabeth's parakeet, Petey, is killed by a cat, a ceremony including all the Egyptians is held. It involves a procession and much eccentric mourning. Then the parakeet is soaked in salt water and anointed with perfume and spices and wrapped in cloth soaked with bicycle oil then placed in a small pyramid made of old bricks.

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