Monday, June 1, 2015

Discussion Director-The Bully

We read a short story four pages long and my group all have to be discussion directors. It is about a guy named Roger Kiser who is reunited with his seventh grade bully Tony Claxton.

1.How does the character of Tony change throughout the short story?
Tony used to be a bully and he bullied this guy a lot named Roger. And they happen to see each other in a restaurant with Tony's wife. Tony was a really mean bully but as we go through the story, he is on a wheelchair and is a really nice guy to Roger.

2. How does this change affect Roger?
Roger realizes Tony feels almost the same as Roger did when he was bullied so he decides to help Roger with his wheelchair problem to get into the car.

3.What do you think Tony meant when he said, "I guess you're thinking, 'What goes around comes around'"?
I think it means he had to pay for what he did to Roger in school. He is in a wheelchair so he now knows what it felt like to be Roger in seventh grade.

4.Why do you think the author wrote the story? What message did the author want to convey?
He wanted to tell us that people change throughout lives like if they were really bad people in school or something like that, they can turn into good people who do not want to cause any harm. 

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