Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Hobbit

Title: "The Hobbit"
Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
Pages read: 351
Pages the book has: 351

Dear bloggers and readers,
I am reading a book called "The Hobbit", J. R. R. Tolkien. I finished the book a long time ago, so I started focusing on the actual book project.
There are many turning parts in this book, but the one I chose is the part were the men of Lake Town try and defeat the dragon, Smaug. The main characters are not included as much, because while the men of Lake Town were fighting Smaug, the hobbit and the dwarfs were waiting for the dragon to show up (they didn't know where Smaug was at the time). Smaug came to attack Lake Town, and in that attack many people died and were injured. The whole Lake Town was torn apart and drowned. Bard, the bowman form Lake Town, was the one who finally slayed the dragon. He achieved this by finding a weak spot on Smaug's body (since his body was covered in diamonds), and shot an arrow there. I will not tell you anymore since i already told you more than I should have. Read to find out what happened to Bilbo and the dwarfs after that. It is a great book and I hope this blog-post convinced you to read it. 


  1. Jana, just for your information, it is not 'dwarfs', but it is 'dwarves'. At least J.R.R. Tolkien used it that way. Sorry. And, how did you manage to read all that in a short time? Wow! It took me like 3 months or something. Great blog post! The LOTR trilogy and The Hobbit is awesome!

  2. I like how this climax sounds! Nice job!
