Sunday, December 1, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird

The book I am reading for my book report is entitled To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.  I have read 255 out of 323 pages of the book.The main climax of the story is when Arthur "Boo" Radley saves Jem and Scout while they were walking back from the Halloween Pageant. What happened was Scout lost her dress and shoes so they left late.  They went through a forest and on the way Jem heard something.  They would stop once and a while but after the last time, somebody attacked them.  The person was Bob Ewell.  Arthur came to the rescue and stabbed Mr. Ewell with Bob's own knife.  During the beginning of  the fight, Jem got hurt and broke his arm.  The following picture is when they find out Arthur saved Jem and Scout.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the movie, it was so awesome! Isn't Bo creepy....
