Sunday, January 20, 2013



written by: Laurie Halse Anderson

The book Fever in the first chapter, talks about how Mattie (the girl) is avoiding all kinds of chores on her summer break of year 1793, Mattie lives above her family cofee shop, with her mother, and grandfather.  All day Mattie is resting and making a plan of how to turn their family cofee shop into something best!!! Something that the whole Philedelphia has never seen before!! I really like the book and its pretty interesting, I hope it stays like that untill the end. I understood every part of the book, (that I  read.) but there was one sentence written at the cover of the book. I did not understand it so well so here it is... " The plot rages like the epidemic itself." - The New York Times Book Review. 

Biography of Laurie Halse Anderson: ( It has interesting details)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love your Blogpost! Hope you like that book.
