Sunday, January 20, 2013

The hobbit

The Hobbit 
By J.R.R Tolkien
Pages 305

I am reading The Hobbit. The story is about a Hobbit named Bilbo Baggens who goes on a adventure to kill smog the dragon it the dwarven home. My word that i do not know is thrust. It is on page 81 and the sentence is "who are you" he said and thrusting his dagger in front of him. Trust means to push something suddenly or violently in a specific direction


  1. Wow!! Good choice I whatched the movie it is very good!!!

  2. The movie was really good!

  3. I never watched the movie, but I did read the book, it's AWESOME!!!
    I think anyone would enjoy it, although I don't understand why Gollum
    is THAT ugly.
