Friday, January 25, 2013

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Title: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Author: Suzanne Weyn

# of pg. 180

Blog post # 2

The main character in the book Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is as you can guess Indiana Jones, also known as Indy. He is a professor at Princeton University and an adventurer. His assistant Short Round was caught by Indiana when he tried to pick pocket him, but Indiana's whip was really fast and had caught the kid. Indy is really smart and this is proven because he knows a lot of facts about history. Another personality trait that Indy has is that he is brave. This is shown when Indiana saves Willie even though there are bullets flying all around the Obi-Wan club. Indy hates when someone complains and cares only  about themselves.   

Example of a personality trait sentence-bravery: Indy jumped out from behind the statue, ducking and covering his head to avoid the flying axes. 

1 comment:

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