Saturday, April 13, 2013

Caddie Woodlawn #1 (Literature Circles)

The Book

Title: Caddie Woodlawn

Author: Carol Ryrie Brink

Number Of Pages: 242 pages

Number Of Chapters: 24 chapters

Literature Circles

Group: Sonia, Electra, Nurin (me)

My Job: "Discussion Director"

Sonia's Job: "Summarizer" 

Electra's Job: UNKNOWN (she wasn't here)

Chapters to Read by Next Class: two chapters, from pg.1-23

(Three Adventurers and The Circuit Rider)

Discussion Director

1. What are the names of Caddie Woodlawn's brothers that went to the river with her?

Answer: Warren Woodlawn and Tom Woodlawn.

2. How old is Caddie Woodlawn?

Answer: She is 11 years old.

3. Who is Nero?

Answer: Nero is a pet dog of the Woodlawn family.

4. Who is Indian John?

Answer: He is a very nice Indian, friends of Caddie, Warren, and Tom. Caddie and Indian John became friends when one day, Indian John picks her up in a store, and she was scared but the store keeper said that he was a nice person so they became friends.

5. What did the Circuit Rider (Mr. Tanner) asked Mr. Woodlawn to fix?

Answer: His watch.

6. Describe Hetty Woodlawn.

Answer: Hetty is Caddie Woodlawn's younger sister. She is 7 years old and she likes to tell on people. She is basically a "tattle taler."

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