Tuesday, April 23, 2013

|THE EGYPT GAME (Discussion Director)

 The Egypt Game, by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
1. After reading chapter 3. What 3 words popped into your head after reading the description of April when she first meets Melanie?
-Ridiculous, Pompous, Shocking.

2. Who is Marshall Ross and what is his toy?

-Marshall Ross is Melanie's younger brother. His toy is an octopus named Security.

3.  How was the Egypt Game started and by whom?

-It started when Melanie found a book about a young pharaoh. Then she found more books, this time about ancient Egypt.

4. How did you feel when you read about what April was saying about the fake eyelashes.

-Shocked that she didn't like them but still wore them.

5. What is April's mum's job?

-April's mum is in the movies, she is a movie star.

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