Sunday, January 26, 2014

Swallows and Amazons

Swallows and Amazons - Setting

Hello everyone! This is the first post of this quarters/years book report. So EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well....)
For this book project, I read the book Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome. I have read all 416 pages of the book (I finished it two days ago!) I enjoyed it very much and I recommend you read it if you like adventure stories, and stories by Enid Blyton books, such as the Famous Five.

Swallows and Amazons was written in 1930, and was set in the August of 1929.  This is only mentioned a few times in the book -
".... Signed and sealed at this place of Wild Cat Island in the month of August 1929." (pg. 123) - but you can tell - the children have a lot of freedom, and they speak a lot differently, with more terms that they don't use nowadays. They would say 'Hullo' more often than Hello in a lot of cases.

In the quote above, Wild Cat Island is mentioned. Wild Cat island is the main setting in the book. It is where the main characters, John, Titty, Susan and Roger go and spend the beginning few weeks of their summer holidays, on their own. It is an island on which no-one (or so they think) lives.

"The island was not in the middle of the lake, but much nearer to the eastern shore." (pg. 31)

"The sides of the island were steep and rocky. That little bay seemed to be the only place where it would be possible to land a boat.  There were rocky cliffs, like the Peak in Darien, only much smaller, with heather on them and little struggling trees. " (pg. 35)

This is where the plot happens and where all of the action happens and is very important.

The book mostly revolves around this setting, and all of the others weren't described in enough detail to actually reference here. That is it, I believe!

Gemma :D

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