Friday, March 27, 2015

So the book that i am reading is greek and it is a comic book. It is called Asterix and Obelix at the Olympics.  Image result for αστεριξ και οβελιξ στους ολυμπιακουσ αγωνες βιβλιο It is really fun reading through it and i have been reading it over and over again. The book is about how Asterix and Obelix got into the Olympics as only Romans and Greek were allowed to take part and they were french. So Asterix thinks that since the Romans conquered their village they are members of the Roman empire. Once they got to the Olympics
thay found out that it was illegal to use their magic drink to make them strong so they win the Olympics because all the Romans got a drink from the magic drink so they were disqualified, but  they gave the trophy to the Romans because they knew Caesar was going to kill them if they lose.
I recommend this book to everyone who wants to read books that are fun and i also recommend the movie is even better.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hanger Games

I am now reading the book hanger games 1 in Hebrew. I like the book because it is really interesting and I like interesting books. I like it because when the book is interesting so you like it and you can read it for a long time. I did not finish the book yet I am in the beginning of it. The characters are Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch Abernathy and so on. The main character is Katniss Everdeen. So I recommend this book to you.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


I am reading a book called Divergent.There are 487 pages in this book.  The author of this book is Veronica Roth. This is the first book in the Divergent series. Divergent is about a girl named Beatrice who is from a faction called Abnegation and it is almost time fore her choosing day. Before the choosing day she takes the aptitude test to see which faction she belongs in. When she takes the test her results were unclear meaning she is a divergent. On her choosing day she chooses to be a Dauntless and changes her name to Tris. When she is in Dauntless she meets new people. When she goes to the Dauntless compound she needs to got through training to see of she is allowed to stay in Dauntless or else she will become Faction less. 

Two words I didn't understand;

Skim means go or move quickly and lightly over or on a surface or through the air.

Undercurrent means an underlying feeling or influence, especially one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere and is not expressed openly. 

The Hobbit

By Nurul

I'm reading a book called The Hobbit, by J.R.R Tolkien. The book has 389 pages.
The book is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. I think there were 14 dwarfs that came to Bilbo's house, with a wizard called Gandalf. The 14 dwarfs, along with Gandalf came in to Mr. Baggin's home and ate and talked with each other, making Mr. Baggins really mad and annoyed. There's more than two words i don't understand but here's two of my "I don't understand" words:
Immovably and Discreetly.

Verb: Immovably, Noun: Immovable: incapable of being moved; fixed; stationary.

New sentence: A person's birthday is an immovable celebration of aging.

Verb: Discreetly Noun: Discreet: On down low, under radar, and careful, something to avoid embarrassment

New sentence: There was a discreet cough that no one could hear.

Japans earthquake article

Japan Earthquake Article

Image result for one year after japan earthquakeIntroduction:
The creator of this particular article is Henry Tzu Ng. I have read all 6 of the paragraphs in the the first article.

I am basically Reading about what happened 1 year after the earthquake that hit Japan in March 2011, it is about Henry Tzu Ng’s trip to Japan and how he encountered the earthquake. It tells you in detail of the devastating event and how it destroyed the country. In the event of the earthquake triggered a tsunami which also causes even more of the lands destruction. Japan suffered a lot and many people died and lost their jobs, homes, families and curriers.

2 words I did not understand:

Agriculture meaning: Agriculture basically means farming, growing crops and growing animals for food or other.
Used in a sentence: My brother is studying agriculture in college so that he can take over the family farm someday.

Word #2.Culinary meaning: It basically means of or for cooking.

Used in Sentence: Many culinary delights can be created with rhubarb.

I am reading a book called the Sea of Monsters, by Rick Riordan. This book has 279 pages.

Sea of Sea Monsters is about a boy named Percy and he goes on a quest to try to get a golden fleece to save the pine tree that protects him and all the people who lie at camp half-blood. He also went to save his friend Grover who is half goat and half human. He is being kept hostage by a HUGE cyclops who thinks that Grover is a cyclops. But Annabeth and Percy meet  Clarisse and she gets caught along with Grover . They both get locked in a big cave and it is locked with a big boulder. Percy and Annabeth must now find a way to free his friends and get the fleece in time before Thalia's pine tree dies.

Infestation: An infestation is an invasion of insects on a place like a house or an attack by insects on a plant.

Irony: the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

Caught by Margaret Peterson Haddix

I have read to page 104. I am reading about two kids who are time traveling saving kids in time through history. The kids went to Albert Einstein’s time to save his daughter. It was not mentioned yet in the book why she is in trouble but I am sure they will save her. The kids figured out that Albert never met his daughter who is nineteen months old. Since Albert and his wife Mileva lived in Germany and the baby girl was in Novi Sad Mileva is traveling by train to get to her. While she is traveling she is seeing weird things and sensed somehow that someone is following her.  The kids are invisible so that they don’t change time and so no one notices them. In the train they had to be in weird poses so people don’t touch them. Later on when all the passengers exited the room where Mileva and the kids are she talks with them. Jonah and Katherine try not to reveal much information to her because they could change events forever. As it starts to get dark the room gets quieter and quieter. Jonah is scared if the train makes a stop in the middle of the night someone might enter and touch them while they are asleep. If they touches them they will figure out someone invisible is there. Jonah’s fear kept him awake but only for a short period of time.    
Indignant: feeling or expressing strong anger with someone.
My neighbor is so indignant because I have another sleep over party.

Protrude: extend beyond or above a surface.
Her dog’s face and paws protrudes from the bag.

Back Home

The book I am reading is called "Back Home", by Michelle Magorian. The book has 448 pages. This book was published in 1994, and was adapted into a TV drama.

Virginia Dickinson (Rusty), continues to struggle in accepting her new life in England. As more time passes, she misses her old life in Connecticut, where she feels she belongs. After spending five years in America, living with a free and happy family, she finds it hard to adapt to the dull and miserable life in England, where she is confounded by new rules she was never used to. Rusty and her mother, Peggy, do not get along well as Rusty dramatically changed from the shy, quite seven year old girl her mother once knew her to be, to the loud, adventurous and brave 12 year old girl. Her mother Peggy, dislikes the way her daughter has been raised, and feels guilty for not being able to raise her own child. She expects her daughter to fit in and be like the other English girls, and introduces Rusty to all sorts of rules and restrictions which Rusty was not accustomed to. Beatie Langley, a kind woman whose home was open to Rusty's mother and brother due to the war, seems to be the only person who truly understands Rusty and treats her with respect and kindness. Beatie decides it is time that Rusty had a friend who she could spend her time with and cheer her up, so she introduces her to a local schoolgirl named Beth. As Rusty befriends this queer, young girl they soon find that they both have similar interests and likes.

When reading this book, I came across two new words, uncowed (pg. 71) and tiered (pg. 79). Uncowed means not frightened, unbeaten and showing boldness. A sentence using this word could be, "I was uncowed as the opposing team scored against us". Tiered means arranged in layers. A sentence using this word could be "I stared glumly at the messy pile of clothes that was soon going to have to be tiered".  

The Secret Series

The title of this series is the secret series. I finished one of the books in it. The other books in this series are: The Title of This Book is Secret, If You're Reading This it's Too Late, This Book is not Good for You, This isn't What it Looks Like and You Have to Stop This. I finished the book. It is 275 pages. The author is Pseudonymous Bosch. One word I did not know was preface. At first I thought it meant before the book started. A preface is something about a books origins or inspirations. Another word was Epigraph.  I thought it had something to do with paragraphs. It is usually a quote from an author put in the begging of a book. 

Calvin and Hobbes(Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat)

Image result for homicidal psycho jungle cat

Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat

A Calvin and Hobbes Collection

This book is in the Calvin and Hobbes Collection and is called Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat. The author of the Calvin and Hobbes collection (which includes this book) is Bill Patterson. It is a comic that has 175 pages. It is about the adventures of a little boy and a stuffed tiger named Hobbes who is real to Calvin, but is a stuffed tiger to everyone else. Here are my favorite parts. One of them is when Calvin is getting a drink of water in the night Hobbes comes and jumps on him. Another part when Hobbes greats Calvin when he gets home from school.  Calvin called Hobbes a Homicidal Psycho Jungle cat.  There are so many scenes in the book but I like the scenes when Calvin daydreams in class and he dreams of aliens and him being a heroic and AWESOME space adventurer named Spiff.  Everyone in my family loves Calvin and Hobbes and I recommend this book before bed or if you are feeling sad.

A person who kills another.
Did you hear Jeff is homicidal?

2. Nostalgic
A desire to return to a certain part in time for happiness felt in a certain time, place or situation.
One more nostalgic of childhood goes away.