Sunday, March 22, 2015

Back Home

The book I am reading is called "Back Home", by Michelle Magorian. The book has 448 pages. This book was published in 1994, and was adapted into a TV drama.

Virginia Dickinson (Rusty), continues to struggle in accepting her new life in England. As more time passes, she misses her old life in Connecticut, where she feels she belongs. After spending five years in America, living with a free and happy family, she finds it hard to adapt to the dull and miserable life in England, where she is confounded by new rules she was never used to. Rusty and her mother, Peggy, do not get along well as Rusty dramatically changed from the shy, quite seven year old girl her mother once knew her to be, to the loud, adventurous and brave 12 year old girl. Her mother Peggy, dislikes the way her daughter has been raised, and feels guilty for not being able to raise her own child. She expects her daughter to fit in and be like the other English girls, and introduces Rusty to all sorts of rules and restrictions which Rusty was not accustomed to. Beatie Langley, a kind woman whose home was open to Rusty's mother and brother due to the war, seems to be the only person who truly understands Rusty and treats her with respect and kindness. Beatie decides it is time that Rusty had a friend who she could spend her time with and cheer her up, so she introduces her to a local schoolgirl named Beth. As Rusty befriends this queer, young girl they soon find that they both have similar interests and likes.

When reading this book, I came across two new words, uncowed (pg. 71) and tiered (pg. 79). Uncowed means not frightened, unbeaten and showing boldness. A sentence using this word could be, "I was uncowed as the opposing team scored against us". Tiered means arranged in layers. A sentence using this word could be "I stared glumly at the messy pile of clothes that was soon going to have to be tiered".  


  1. Very good job! Your vocabulary was amazing! Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Very good job! Your vocabulary was amazing! Keep up the good work! :)
