Saturday, March 21, 2015


The book I am reading is UNSTOPPABLE by Tim Green with 343 pages. So far in the book they are at the farm where the person that adopted him was cruel and his belt was the speaker of punishments. One day the person who adopted him used the belt buckle for a punishment when Harrison "lied" and in all his fury Harrison killed him with a pitchfork. Harrison was strong, big, fast and smart. After this Harrison went to juvenile prison until some one adopted him: the Kellys. They were nice people and thought that he could continue become a nice, calm kid. He becomes a football prodigy and was unstoppable when he ran the ball. Then he got bone cancer and they had to saw his leg of. He met a person named Major Bauer who helped him through chemotherapy. Soon he was able to sprint and by sprinting he played football and is able to play again pummeling all the other teams.

Hogwash something that makes no sense. Gloom a place of darkness or sadness

1 comment:

  1. You could have described Harrison before you said the story.
