Monday, February 9, 2015

Accomplice - Setting/Conflict

     The title of the book I am reading is "Accomplice". The Author of the book is Eireann Corrigan. The book has 296 pages.
     The conflict is a man vs man conflict. The best friends Finn and Chloe staged a kidnapping. They thought they were prepared for what would happen, but they were not. When the government paid a lot of money to empty their lake, and innocent people started to get arrested, Finn and Chloe realized what they had actually done. They realized what trouble they'd caused themselves and other people. They realized that they didn't know what to do next.   
     This story is taking place in a town in the USA, called Colt River. The story mostly takes place at Finn's and Chloe's school and at Finn's house. It sometimes takes place at Finn's grandmother's house, where Chloe is being hidden, and at Chloe's house, which is in a renovated barn that belongs to Finn's family.  

1 comment:

  1. Good job! The setting and conflict was very well written. I like how you included several settings and what happened there. Your description had a lot of detail and was very well summarized.
