Sunday, February 22, 2015

Protagonist Obstacles

Alex Nedera
Ms. Sonja
Language and Literature 6B

In the story "Saxon Tales" the protagonist, Uthred has to reach many difficult decisions and is faced with betrayals by close friends. For example, Uthred was relaxing in his hall, when a horseman appeared and asked if Uthred wished to join the Danish force of vikings that were pillaging England. An hour later, another horseman arrived asking if Uthred wished to join England's defense. In the end, Uthred sided with the Brits. Afterwards, a slave Uthred rescued became king and needed troops. Uthred and Guthred (The Slave King) become close friends and so Uthred offers Guthred his soldiers, however Guthred said he needed more so he begged Uthred's uncle, Aethelred. Aethelred despises Uthred and so in return for his Aethelred's fighters Guthred must sell Uthred into slavery. These are some examples of obstacles Uthred faces in his adventures.


  1. Good job, the only thing I don't get is that a person that was once of slave, then makes the person who rescues him a slave? You did not add how many pages there was

  2. Great job, that sounds like a very interesting book. You analyzed the obstacles very well and found the key information, however maybe next time you could broaden your explanations to make it a little bit less confusing. Overall, good job.
