Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Touching Spirit Bear: What are the obstacles that the protagonist goes through?

The protagonist in this book, as you might know if you read my previous blog, is a 16 year old boy called Cole Mathews. I have read 112 pages so far and that just concluded the first part of the book. Now will come the second part. The author is Ben Mikaelsen. With that out of the way lets talk about the obstacles that the protagonist of this book goes through...

Cole Mathews is, as we know, a 16 year old boy who has committed many crimes. With only that said we could think of law as an obstacle for him. The law sent him to an island where he would be all alone and learn how to behave better. On that island he faced a lot of obstacles so far. Since he is all alone and there is no human on the island, the only possible obstacles that could come would be from nature and the animals. That was the case! But, it wasn't only nature that put out the obstacles that Cole needed to go through. Cole didn't realise it, but he also contributed. The first thing he did when he came to the island is try to escape by swimming. Nothing happened because while swimming he didn't move at all because of the waves. He was exhausted and came back to the island. Cole needed to rest on the beach because he burned down his shelter down before. It was all because of anger. From that moment everything went downhill for him. Cole went unconscious and nature "attacked" with constant rain. Not only that, but the spirit bear appeared and Cole did a really stupid by trying to kill it. The bear attacked and won the battle against Cole. He had almost no chance of surviving. He had a lot of broken bones and couldn't even move. With the rain it was even worse. We will see how he overcomes his struggles on the island in the continuation of the book.


  1. I think that you could replace all the of the words because with things like: As A Result Of, Now That, By Cause Of, and other such things. You could also word some things more appropriately, for example, "Cole Went unconscious" Other than that, everything was great.

    1. Thank you for the feedback....

  2. I like your choice in vocabulary.
