Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Long Walk to Water

The book I have read for my third quarter book report is entitled A Long Walk to Water written by Linda Sue Park.  I have read all 120 pages of the book with glee.  The climax of the story is when Salva, the main character, says "Hello, my name is Salva" to Nja.  An event that led up to the climax is when Salva moves to Rochester, New York.  he leaves his home, family, and friends behind but for a good reason and that reason is safety.  He is the only one who moves to New York from all the people from the refugee camp he was sent from.  Another good thing that came out from going to New York was having an education and time to think of his master plan.  His plan is to make water pumps for not only his tribe but also others.  Also from going to America he could hear that his father was in a hospital in the Congo, if he hadn't gone, he would not be able to hear such great and bad news.

Quote: “Stay calm when things are hard or not going right for you. You will get through it when you persevere instead of quitting. Quitting leads to much less happiness in life than perseverance and hope.” ― Salva Dut


1 comment:

  1. Cool Cody! I really find your book and post interesting and if you keep writing like this on your way to 'victory'. I highly support it!
    Have a really nice day man. xD Your friend, Cosmo | CK
