Saturday, March 1, 2014

Obstacles in Swallows and Amazons

For the book project I read Swallows and Amazons, by Arthur Ransome, it has 352 pages, I enjoyed it very much........
Anyway, back to the actual blog post at hand, obstacles in Swallows and Amazons.
Swallows and Amazons isn't the most exciting book to be honest, but I does have a few obstacles, which I shall tell you about.
In the beginning, the Swallows have to pass an obstacle regarding the Amazons- the both want the flagship of the island. The Swallows thought that they had discovered the island first, but apparently another group of children (The Amazons) had lived there first. To sort out their disputes, they decide to have a war, and capture each others boats.
The main obstacle is that they have only been at the island a while, and didn't know the lake very well, so seemed to have a disadvantage. They formulated their whole plan, but another obstacle comes up - the fact that for the first few days after the war being announced, there is no wind, which you need to sail their boat. This obstacle means that no plans, and no wars can take place they all become very bored and can't take any action. This means they have to spend more time planning making better decisions, and preparing themselves for this war.

Then they have to get over the obstacle of being blamed for a robbery which had nothing to do with them, and convince the people who were robbed, and the other people, that they had nothing to do with the robbery. This involves them finding the treasure themselves. Luckily, they have a bit of a clue, but nonetheless, it isn't an easy obstacle to get over.

That is my blog post for today, bye and thank you for reading.

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