Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The main character in the novel is Tom Sawyer. He lived in a small village near the Mississippi River, and his whole family was Aunt Polly, his dead mother's sister, and cousin Sid. That's a boy with red and bushy hair, with freckles all over his face, dressed in worn clothes, because the better one was saved for Sunday's visit to the church, and always barefoot. He was very lazy, and that results in his frequent running away from school. Tom's favorite hobbies were swimming in the river, which was strictly prohibited by Aunt Polly, and fishing. He was always in some kind of trouble. The adventures Tom went trough is something that every boy would like to experience. His every day was full of interesting and exciting things. I'd like to know and be friends with such a boy.


1 comment:

  1. I liked your description of Tom Sawyer and description of the book. It looks like a good book to read. I think it has a lot of action and stuff to laugh about. I think I will read this book.
