Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Title: Liar,Liar Pants on Fire
Author: Gordon Korman
Blog post #4

 I finished the book Liar, Liar Pants on Fire and it is about a girl named Zoe who lies to get out of trouble and to become cool. Even though sometimes Zoe says the truth  her teacher thinks that she lies because she always does it and she doesn't believe her, which is not fair to Zoe. After saying something truthful,  Zoe again starts to tell lies, gets in a circle of them and then tries to get out of them. In the end, Zoe does not get out of the circle of lies but she finds out that she has the greatest imagination in all of her class and the history of third grade. Zoe continues lying but at least she knows that she is the coolest kid in third grade.
I really enjoyed reading this book because it can be a true story and can happen to anyone in real life.
I would like to read more books by this author.

1 comment:

  1. Predrag i like your summary it seams like very interesting story that any student can relate to. I bet there are meny funny parts when Zoi starts making stuff up.
