Sunday, November 11, 2012

Elijah of Buxton


Christopher Paul Curtis

elijahofbuxton_sm.jpgElijah is a boy with dark skin, brown eyes and black hair, who is very scared of a lot of things. He is a good friend and always does what is best. He is very polite, especially to the older people of the town, like his mother, father, and other elder people. The rising event of this story is that his friend's money gets stolen by a thief. I am not quite there in the book yet but I am almost there. They have been mentioning a lot about how scared of things he is so I think that maybe when the money gets stolen from his friend, he thinks that this is the time that to show the whole town that he is not so fragile any more. He will especially show his mom because she is always nagging on him about it. I believe he will go out to get the money back and be brave, almost like a twist because nobody would expect he, of all people, would be brave enough to go out there

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