Sunday, November 11, 2012

Heart of a Samurai


Heart of a Samurai
written by: Margi Preus

In the book Heart of a Samuri there is a group of fishermen that ofcourse loves fishing. Their names are:
Denzo, ( the eldest one.) Toraemon, Jusuke, Goemon, and Manjiro. Manjiro is the youngest in the whole group, and really still a boy. He is only fourteen years old. The boy isnt really interested in all of this fishing, but his father insists this. The only reason is because, he himself is a fishermen. Manjiro loves his parent and knows how much they strugle for everything to make, and give more, for him, and his younger sisters. So one day he goes of to the little boat with his dad, and other fishermen. All of them were searching for fish, but there was none. 3 days past and it got very windy. In the big wide sea you could only see wind blowing, and blowing. The fish all of a sudden get everywhere. All of the fishermen grabbed their stuff and started collecting fish one by one. Only Manjiro stood there asking the oldest and the leader, Denzo, why is the sky so dark all at the moment. The man told him to stop asking not so important questions when food is in front of them and they have to get as much as possible. When they took all they needed they started heading home. The water that was bringing them to their island was all of a sudden geting them ferther, and ferther, away. A lot of time past and the group thaught they will die. They all Started talking and when it came to Manjiro, he said ´´I wish that one day I become a Samurai´´ Everyone started lauphing......
From that part I understood what Manjiro really thaught and how he was as a person. It shoed up much more in other chapters. Manjiro really was a very caring boy that loves his family and wants to make everything better as much as he can. He would love to become a Samurai and knows how hard it is to fight for what he believs in because his father is a fishermen, and expects him to foolow his lead. He fights for his own rights, and takes care of his little sisters. Manjiro is very responsible but they think of him as a little boy that only knows how to say somethin. So long Manjiro is waiting for the write time to show them all that he is much more that of their expectations. That he can do it better, and that he will fight for himeself. The way to show them that is to fight for his dream and never give up. Manjiro is a very caring person that wouldnt eat anything if his family members didnt have. He shares everything with everyone even though he knows how life can be cruel. He fights for him self and dreams to one day show his dad what hes really made of and that he is much more than he thinks. After all, Manjiro is a very good boy that loves his family and takes good care of everyone.


  1. Awesome!!!! WOW and you wrote a lot!!! :D ;) Good Job! I also want to read this book A LOT! Can i read it after you? :-)

  2. Wow!!! that book is great, awesome and fantastic. its a really great written book! I would love to read it! and you wrote it very well here. One more time "great!".

  3. I read that book and I loved it. It reminds me of the Cay
