Thursday, November 1, 2012

How to train a puppy

Like some of you know I have a puppy. Two months old, about to ruin everything in my house. He is nothing more than a little busy machine but very cute. The only problem is that we need to train him. So my mom downloaded three books about how train your puppy. All three written by Marco Starink  All the books have 60 pages except the last one, that one has 71 pages. I read the books and there are some really useful links in these books. One of the rules is like if your puppy is doing something naughty don't punish but ignore him. The reason is because the dog listens better after you ignore him than giving him negative attention. But I got to say it is also fun to play with him and let him bite your sock.     


  1. Awesome!
    What's your

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought you had a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I liked how you described your puppy!

  5. I wish I had a puppy!
