Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When you reach me- Author- Rebecca Stead

When you reach me
200 pages
Rebecca Stead

Rebecca Stead is  born on January 16th 1968 in New York City. When she was in elementary school she enjoyed making tacos. She received her Bachelors Degree in 1989.

She couldn't get good ideas so she started being a lawyer. After being a lawyer for a while she started to write about her sons. For many years she collected her ideas and short storied and one day one of her sons accidentally pushed the computer off the table. Of course she was in a gloomy mood but she went to a book store and she bought all of the books she liked to read in her childhood. After that she got some ideas and her first book First Light came to be.

1 comment:

  1. Very good, this was very humorous and I enjoyed it. Can you write a bit more about the book because I do not know about the book. I would love to read this book if you gave some more info about the book. But other than the usual creaks and tweaks this was a very good blog.
