Saturday, November 21, 2015

Conflict Call of the Wild

The main conflict of the story is when buck has a fight with Spitz(another dog who was soled) and wins but hardly. This is the main conflict because it is the most jaw dropping and crucial moment of the story. The fight is well described and the narrations make it even more interesting. At the end of this close fight Buck wins and his strength and loyalty to the other dogs makes him the pack leader. The climax of the story is when Buck gets stolen and soled. This is in my opinion because This is the part of the story where the whole adventure starts and story changes. Without this event the story would not be interesting and exited. This is one of the reasons why I like this story because the adventure starts at the begining of the story. One word I thought was peculiar was Pandiculation. Pandiculation is a word with a simple meaning but a hard pronunciation. The meaning of this word is when you do something over and over again this was used when the narration said home buck loved to kill animals at the end of the story and he did this over and over again. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this book!!!! I remember writing a book report about it. I agree. The climax is quite gory and exhilarating. Nice work!
