Sunday, September 22, 2013


Cover of "Inkheart"
Cover of Inkheart
 Inkheart was written by Cornelia Funke. I have read 534 / 534. The main characters in my book, Inkheart, are Mortimer, Meggie, Dustfinger, and Capricorn. Mo, (Mortimer) Meggie, and Dustfinger are the protagonists. Capricorn is the antagonist. The author didn't put any physical featuers in the book, so I don't know what they look like. Mo has special abilities. He can read characters out of books, and Meggie inherited that from him. Mo told Meggie that her mom went away when she was very little. But the closer they go to Capricorn's village, the closer Meggie gets to the truth.Dustfinger was part of a book called Inkheart, until Mo read him out. He loves to play with fire and he is brave enough to confront Capricorn. Capricorn is a villain and as the book says, "The screams of his victims are as sweet as honey to him"....
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  1. I really want to read Scat now! You made me think of what the characters might look like myself. I think it would be interesting to know what the characters really look like. Nice job! It was interesting!


  2. WOW amazing blog post I really want to read Inheart now! I loved your blog post :D

    Ivana Lalic
